Explanation-vs-Prediction:- [ ] Read Clifford Geertz "Blurred Genres" (1980): "Science owes more to the steam engine than the steam engine owes to science."
Recording:- [ ] Use Chrome on both sides and better interfaces
Recording:- [ ] Try Zoom H4n as an audio interface
Slavich-Questions: - [ ] BK: Drill down on why nature is non-anticipatory and this is important
Social-Baseline-Theory:- [ ] To be elaborated, but the load sharing explanation of the evolutionary importance of social resources is interestingly tested in this study: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/222394512_Social_Support_and_the_Perception_of_Geographical_Slant: ABSTRACT: The visual perception of geographical slant is influenced by physiological resources, such as physical fitness, age, and being physically refreshed. In two studies we tested whether a psychosocial resource, social support, can also affect the visual perception of slants. Participants accompanied by a friend estimated a hill to be less steep when compared to participants who were alone (Study 1). Similarly, participants who thought of a supportive friend during an imagery task saw a hill as less steep than participants who either thought of a neutral person or a disliked person (Study 2). In both studies, the effects of social relationships on visual perception appear to be mediated by relationship quality (i.e., relationship duration, interpersonal closeness, warmth). Artifacts such as mood, social desirability, and social facilitation did not account for these effects. This research demonstrates that an interpersonal phenomenon, social support, can influence visual perception.
2021-01-24:- [ ] Find this visionary/revisionary thing.
2021-02-15:- [ ] Consider moving developmental stages from 2021-02-01 to its own page
2021-02-17: - [ ] Gottlieb's epigenetic landscape work: important for probabalistic rather than deterministic views of development and for the ontogeny-phylogeny connection
2021-02-17: - [ ] Don Tucker's work on kindling in depression: important for notions of criticality, phase transitions, sensitivity to perturbations, and depression as an attractor with extending basins over development
2021-02-17: - [ ] integrate work on criticality with... everything
2021-02-28: - [ ] I needs to find a way to systematically pull her info from old work in these domains. Evernote is easy, so do first, but most isn't, since so much used to be done on hard copies (the reading, the note-taking, the writing in some cases)
2021-03-17:- [ ] IG: Kids switch from safety-seeking in childhood to novelty-seeking in adolescence (and maybe back to safety-seeking in adulthood).
2021-03-17:- [ ] BK: Correct reality/modelling issues in 12/139e11a1
2021-03-17:- [ ] IG: Articulate the general cusp catastrophe model, include the image, and elaborate example with predator/prey models, developmental cognitive transitinos, and real-time emotional states and flipppging between
2021-03-24:- [ ] BK: Try to find PDF of A. C. Graham notes on Taoist Classics
2021-03-24:- [ ] BK to find Co-creation of the Self in McGilchrist
2021-04-30:- [ ] IG: “slow collaboration": look up whether there's history of thinking about this idea (e.g., letter-writing vs email vs text)
2021-04-30:- [ ] IG: look up "distributed cognition" literature and write summary of research findings (from cognitive science)
2021-04-30:- [ ] “colony consciousness”? (ants, bees…); related to distributed cognition above
2021-04-30:- [ ] BK: Jessica: "Sounds a lot like how ideas would form within one brain" intersubjectivity, succession of selves, competition within the brain
2021-04-30:- [ ] BK: Anthony Braxton has a theory that jazz improvisation is both between the individuals on stage AND the relationship between the audience and the stage
2021-04-30:- [ ] Slow versus fast (realtime?) collaborations
2021-05-03: - [ ] IG: Note: clarify these examples, given they happen at different time scales and so possibly conflate concepts
2021-05-03:[ ] IG: in 2021 05 03 update all points with links, dev psych writing, and summaries of relevant zettels so entry is internally coherent within MM (get rid of red links)