2021 02 17 - lydgate/mindmeld GitHub Wiki
Further Reading and To Do
- Gottlieb's epigenetic landscape work: important for probabalistic rather than deterministic views of development and for the ontogeny-phylogeny connection
- Don Tucker's work on kindling in depression: important for notions of criticality, phase transitions, sensitivity to perturbations, and depression as an attractor with extending basins over development
- integrate work on criticality with... everything
Look up DS book
Nested timescales
Carhart-Harris idea of depression as attractor basin
- Isabela Granic, ‘Timing Is Everything: Developmental Psychopathology from a Dynamic Systems Perspective☆’, Developmental Review 25, no. 3–4 (September 2005): 386–407, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dr.2005.10.005.
Reasons for depression
- Depressive realism
- Schizophrenia as explore
- BK: Gould. Spandrel? Side-effect or byproduct
- Example of fastidiousness leading to OCD/anorexia
- Example of brain size leading to death in childbirth
- Example of sickle-cell anemia (adaptive when malaria is present, maladaptive otherwise). Similar to depression (adaptive when there is a concrete, solvable problem, maladaptive otherwise).
Read these and come back next week:
- BK to read Coan: Social Baseline Theory
- BK to read Slavich: Social Safety Theory
- Human timeline
- Revolutions
- Phase transitions (that are reversible vs irreversible)
- Revolutions
- Timescales (macro vs micro)
# Journal 2021-02-17
- 11:20 Contra you, I like seeing your highlights.
- 11:27 You need a space after dashes, and if you want them to indent, you need to have top-level dashes too.
Conversely, in depression, OCD and addiction, specific states (e.g., the default-mode in depression) may be frequented more regularly than others—and this may be observed as certain mental states (e.g., introspection in depression or craving in addiction) or behaviors (e.g., compulsive acts in OCD) being habitually revisited in a stereotyped fashion. Moreover, these states may be relatively stable i.e., their basins of attraction are relatively steep since the patterns of activity upon which they rest have become entrenched.