Co creation of the self - lydgate/mindmeld GitHub Wiki
An aspect of Intersubjectivity: the idea that selfhood depends on socialization. A child is not a self who enters society with other selves. A child is first social and interactive, and selfhood comes as a side effect of certain kinds of interactions.
- Press Secretary
- Late Bronze Age Collapse
- Social Baseline Theory
- 2021-02-28
- Rovelli on selfhood
- BK: See Phenomenological Approaches to Self-Consciousness (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy): Intersubjective and social forms of self-consciousness
- BK: Surnames
- BK: Master and Commander
- BK: Locke on Identity
- BK: Freud, Oceanic Feeling, Constructing Boundaries
- BK: Anil Seth, interoception
- BK: Noga Arikha on Tsakiris
- IG: Five points about Grizzly Man from Whatsapp
- IG: Trevarthen and Tronick (primary & secondary intersubjectivity; still-face)
- IG: Katherine Nelson's script theory
- IG: Stern's psychoanalytic intersubjectivity model
- BK/IG: Read this together