Page Index - lvphj/epydemiology GitHub Wiki
45 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Welcome to the ePydemiology wiki!
- Loading and retrieving data
- Miscellaneous functions
- Matrix functions
- Plotting proportions
- Postcode-related functions
- Select data
- Clean data
- Explore data
- Epidemiology-related functions
- Add a postcode variable formatted to 7 characters
- Aggregate duplicate columns and rows in Pandas dataframe
- Calculate and plot proportions
- Calculate binomial confidence intervals in summary table
- Calculate odds and odds ratios for case control studies
- Calculate relative risks for cross sectional or longitudinal studies
- Categorise a continuous variable using predefined breaks, quantiles or optimised break positions
- Clean UK postcodes
- Collpase on patient ID
- Connect to databases
- Convert a disease summary table to a dataframe of binary outcomes
- Convert columns of binary data to a square matrix containing co occurrences
- Convert long dataframe to wide format containing binary variables
- Convert Pandas dataframe from wide to long format
- Convert placename conjunctions to lowercase
- Convert UK date to standard format
- Create a named group regex from individual regexes
- Extract Ordnance Survey grid reference and convert to longitude and latitude
- Extracts minimum repeating string from string variable
- Find regular expression named group matches
- Generate or select a matched or unmatched case control dataset
- Identify the maximum level of taxonomic detail in a categorisation
- Load data from a MySQL or SQL SERVER database
- Load data from a named cell range in an Excel workbook
- Load text from a text file into a Python string variable
- Load text from a text file or argument into a Python string variable
- Parse date variables
- Plot annual disease trend
- Retrieve unique values from dataframes
- Reverse map a categorical variable based on dictionary values
- Strip whitespace from object columns of dateframe
- Update dataframe with new values
- Update LUT to latest values
- View a plot of log odds against mid points of categories of a continuous variable