Categorise a continuous variable using predefined breaks, quantiles or optimised break positions - lvphj/epydemiology GitHub Wiki

Python function to convert a continuous variable to a categorical variable using predefined breaks, quantiles or optimised break positions for data in a Pandas dataframe.


df,list = epy.phjCategoriseContinuousVariable(phjDF,
                                              phjContinuousVarName = None,
                                              phjMissingValue = 'missing',
                                              phjNumberOfCategoriesInt = 5,
                                              phjNewCategoryVarName = None,
                                              phjCategorisationMethod = 'jenks',
                                              phjNewCategoryNamesList = None,
                                              phjReturnBreaks = True,
                                              phjPrintResults = False)


df = epy.phjCategoriseContinuousVariable(phjDF,
                                         phjContinuousVarName = None,
                                         phjMissingValue = 'missing',
                                         phjNumberOfCategoriesInt = 5,
                                         phjNewCategoryVarName = None,
                                         phjCategorisationMethod = 'jenks',
                                         phjNewCategoryNamesList = None,
                                         phjReturnBreaks = False,
                                         phjPrintResults = False)


Function parameters

phjNumberOfCategriesInt (default = 5). Minimum = 2. Maximum number of categories arbitrarily set to 100 or number of values in series, whichever is smaller.

Exceptions raised



Pandas dataframe containing a tabulation of the log odds for a categorised variable.

Other notes


  1. The extreme values in the list of breaks are extended by a small percentage to make sure they include all values. Check whether these are the values that are actually returned as a list from the function.
  2. When calculating the Jenks breaks, the process can be very slow. Jenks breaks are therefore calculated on a random sample taken from the dataframe. The lowest and highest values are replaced by the data minimum and maximum (possibly extended by a small percentage as in 1. above).


An example of the function in use is given below:

# Define example dataset
phjTempDF = pd.DataFrame({'binDepVar':['yes']*50000 + ['no']*50000,

with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', 10, 'display.max_columns', 5):

# Categorise a continuous variable
phjTempDF, phjBreaksList = epy.phjCategoriseContinuousVariable(phjDF = phjTempDF,
                                                               phjContinuousVarName = 'riskFactorCont',
                                                               phjMissingValue = 'missing',
                                                               phjNumberOfCategoriesInt = 6,
                                                               phjNewCategoryVarName = 'catVar',
                                                               phjCategorisationMethod = 'jenks',
                                                               phjReturnBreaks = True,
                                                               phjPrintResults = False)

with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', 10, 'display.max_columns', 5):
    print('\nCategorised variable')


      binDepVar  riskFactorCont
0           yes        0.268203
1           yes        0.871220
2           yes        0.501282
3           yes        0.858652
4           yes        0.723276
...         ...             ...
99995        no        0.943760
99996        no        0.953255
99997        no        0.080429
99998        no        0.091481
99999        no        0.925220

[100000 rows x 2 columns]

Categorised variable
      binDepVar  riskFactorCont  catVar
0           yes        0.268203       1
1           yes        0.871220       5
2           yes        0.501282       3
3           yes        0.858652       5
4           yes        0.723276       4
...         ...             ...     ...
99995        no        0.943760       5
99996        no        0.953255       5
99997        no        0.080429       0
99998        no        0.091481       0
99999        no        0.925220       5

[100000 rows x 3 columns]

[1.1083476758642629e-05, 0.16544335416294453, 0.32239443898189324, 0.48614660309506053, 0.65418653301496088, 0.83115022562356933, 1.0009938172219826]