Calculate binomial confidence intervals in summary table - lvphj/epydemiology GitHub Wiki
df = epy.phjCalculateBinomialConfInts(phjDF,
phjSuccVarName = None,
phjFailVarName = None,
phjTotalVarName = None,
phjBinomialConfIntMethod = 'normal',
phjAlpha = 0.05,
phjPrintResults = False)
This function calculates the proportion and confidence intervals in summary table. It was originally written to be accessed by phjCalculateBinomialProportions() function but can also be assessed directly if summary table already exists.
Function parameters
Exceptions Raised
Other Notes
phjTempDF = pd.DataFrame({'year':[2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018],
print('Original dataframe\n')
phjPropDF = epy.phjCalculateBinomialConfInts(phjDF = phjTempDF,
phjSuccVarName = 'success',
phjFailVarName = 'failure',
phjTotalVarName = None,
phjBinomialConfIntMethod = 'normal',
phjAlpha = 0.05,
phjPrintResults = False)
print('Dataframe of confidence intervals\n')
Produces the following output:
Original dataframe
year success failure
0 2005 109 675
1 2006 77 763
2 2007 80 635
3 2008 57 723
4 2009 29 714
5 2010 31 712
6 2011 29 723
7 2012 19 626
8 2013 10 499
9 2014 16 546
10 2015 6 465
11 2016 8 463
12 2017 4 468
13 2018 0 0
Dataframe of confidence intervals
year success failure obs prop 95CI_llim 95CI_ulim 95CI_lint \
0 2005 109 675 784 0.139031 0.114813 0.163249 0.024218
1 2006 77 763 840 0.091667 0.072153 0.111180 0.019514
2 2007 80 635 715 0.111888 0.088782 0.134994 0.023106
3 2008 57 723 780 0.073077 0.054812 0.091342 0.018265
4 2009 29 714 743 0.039031 0.025105 0.052957 0.013926
5 2010 31 712 743 0.041723 0.027345 0.056100 0.014378
6 2011 29 723 752 0.038564 0.024802 0.052326 0.013762
7 2012 19 626 645 0.029457 0.016409 0.042506 0.013049
8 2013 10 499 509 0.019646 0.007590 0.031703 0.012057
9 2014 16 546 562 0.028470 0.014720 0.042220 0.013750
10 2015 6 465 471 0.012739 0.002611 0.022867 0.010128
11 2016 8 463 471 0.016985 0.005316 0.028655 0.011669
12 2017 4 468 472 0.008475 0.000205 0.016744 0.008270
13 2018 0 0 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
0 0.024218
1 0.019514
2 0.023106
3 0.018265
4 0.013926
5 0.014378
6 0.013762
7 0.013049
8 0.012057
9 0.013750
10 0.010128
11 0.011669
12 0.008270
13 NaN