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Logging To USB Drive

Keir Fraser edited this page Sep 20, 2020 · 3 revisions

In some cases, the FlashFloppy firmware can give diagnostic information when you experience problems or performance issues. The FlashFloppy release archive includes an alternative firmware with diagnostic logging which is written to the file FFLOG.TXT in the root folder or FF/ subfolder of your USB drive.

Programming the Alternative Firmware

Follow steps for Firmware Update but use the update file contained in the alt/logfile subfolder of the FlashFloppy distribution.

On successful update, when USB stick is ejected you should see Log on the Gotek display (this replaces F-F on the standard 3-digit LED display).

NOTE: Please update back to the normal firmware after diagnosing your issue.

Using the Alternative Firmware

Logging is cached in a 2kB RAM buffer and flushed to the USB drive only when a disk image is inserted or ejected. Thus to diagnose an issue:

  1. Reproduce the issue
  2. Eject the disk image (eg. navigate to another image)
  3. Finally, pull the USB drive to inspect FFLOG.TXT

If you fail to follow these steps in this order, the cached logging may be lost.