MEJ Relationships Shops and Townsfolk - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki

Relationships, Shops, and Townsfolk

Displays any relationships the journal entity may have with other journals.

Drag a journal here to add it to the relations tab.

Relationships are grouped by the type of journal they are; all people are grouped together, all loot journals, etc.

Places display all Person journals in the Townsfolk tab, and all Shops in the Shops tab. Functionally they work the same.

Click the picture to bring up the picture of the related journal; clicking the name will bring up the entire journal.

Relationships Field

Type your description of the relationship here; this is not synced with the relationship tab of the target journal, so you can have different descriptions here to keep things secret from players.

Toggle Visibility

Click this to hide the relationship from players even if they have observer level permissions of both journals; please note that hiding it on one sheet is not synced to the other.

If the eye is orange, it is hidden.

Available For

The following types of journals have a relationships tab and can display them.

Can Be Added To

The following types of journals can be added to the relationships tab of other journals.

Page Last Updated

MEJ 10.15