MEJ Shop - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki


A journal for selling items to players, or for them to be able to sell their stock of ill-gotten loot. Purchased or sold items will automatically be added or removed from their assigned actor, as well as having currency added or subtracted.

A player needs to have Observer level permissions to the shop to be able to access the shop journal. Buying/selling requires an assigned actor, and a Gamemaster level user needs to be logged in in for for players to do so.

Generate Name

Generates a random name from the roll tables includes with MEJ.

Shop Owner

You can drag an actor sheet from the sidebar or a compendium to this journal to add that actor as the shop owner. Right-clicking the shop owner gives you several options.

  • Delete
  • Import Items: This will attempt to import all valid items from that actor sheet to the shop's inventory.
  • Open Actor Sheet

Description Tab

See Description.

Details Tab


Range of hours the shop will be open between if Open Based on World Clock is checked.

Shop Open

  • Open
  • Closed

Open Based on World Clock

Check this to have the use shop only be availale based on the Hours range based on the world clock.

Player Purchasing

Use this dropdown to control whether players are able to buy items from the shop.

  • Closed
    • Hidden
    • Visible
  • Open
    • GM Only: Players can look but not purchase
    • Anyone: Players can freely purchase items from the shop.
    • Request Purchase: Players can attempt to purchase items, which will create a chat card that the GM can approve or disapprove.

Buy Back

Use this dropdown to control whether players are able to sell items to the shop.

  • Won't purchase from players
  • Anyone: Players can freely purchase sell to the shop.
  • Make an offer: Players can attempt to sell items, which will create a chat card that the GM can approve or disapprove.

Transaction Log

Logs any items purchased by players or sold to the shop.

Items Tab

The GM can drag items from the item directory or a compendium to add them to the shop. Players can drag items from an owned actor here to sell them.

You can drag one shop onto another to either replace or add items to the store from the dragged shop's inventory.

You can drag and drop a folder of items to add all of them to the shop.

  • Any spell items will be converted to scrolls when added to the shop in D&D 5th Edition.
  • Items sold to the shop by players are automatically locked in order for the GM to decide if it's okay to sell again.
  • You can sort columns by item name, cost, or price.
    • You cannot sort by rarity.

Populate from Rolltable

Use this to import a selection of random items from a rolltable.

Adjust All Prices

Click this to bring up the Adjust Prices window.

Adjust the price multiplier of items here; make sure to hit the Convert button before you hit yes to push the change to the cost.

Clear All Items

Deletes the shops inventory, except for locked items. Hold Ctrl to clear locked items as well.


Drag items from the directory or a compendium to add them here.

Use the lock button to prevent players from purchasing that item. This also locks items from being cleared with Clear All Items.

Use the eye button to hide it from players; orange means its hidden.

Item data is stored entirely inside the journal instead of just being linked to.


The rarity of the item, if your system uses it.


Click the consumable button to have the item "consumed" when purchased; it will not be added to the player's inventory after they buy it. Use this for food/drinks/services/etc.


Number of items in stock. Delete the value to have it be infinite.


Default price of the item.


Actual cost the players have to pay. Default price adjusted by the price multiplier.

Relationships Tab

See Relationships.

Notes Tab

See Notes.

Page Last Updated

  • Foundry 12.331
  • MEJ 12.02