MEJ Quest - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki


A journal for tracking quests, objectives, and rewards for completing the quest.


You can drag an actor sheet from the sidebar or a compendium to this journal to add that actor as the quest source. Right-clicking the source gives you the option to delete it.


Use this dropdown to change the quest's status. This will also change the color of the quest in the journal sidebar.

  • Unavailable
  • Available
  • Completed
  • Failed

Quest status can also be changed via [Monk's Active Tile Triggers]]'s [Change Quest Status action.

Show to Players

If checked, players can see the quest.

Display in Notifications

If checked, this quest shows in the Quest Tracker.

Description Tab

See Description.

Objectives Tab

Click the Add button to bring up the objectives configuration window.

Rewards Tab

Click the + button to add a new rewards tab; here you can drag items from the directory or a compendium to add them to the rewards.

Item data is stored entirely inside the journal instead of just being linked to.

Assign Items to Loot Entity

Depending on your module settings, this will either add to the already set entity, or create a new entity containing all the loot from this quest. You can select to either use Loot journals or Item Pile actors.

This also accessible by right-clicking a note on the canvas that is linked to a quest journal.

Relationships Tab

See Relationships.

Notes Tab

See Notes.

Page Last Updated

MEJ 10.15