MATT FAQ - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki

MATT Frequently Asked Questions

How do I do X?

First, check the action list on the main page. If it involves modifying an attribute that doesn't have a specific action, its Alter . If it still isn't there, it probably involves multiple actions or macros, so check Sample Tiles.

How do I change the light source on a token?

The best way is to make use of either your system or another module.

  • Pathfinder 2E lets you build-in lighting on their effects using rules elements; you can use Add Item to just add the effect to the tokens.
  • D&D 5E has the DFred's Convenient Effects module, which can can apply lighting changes to tokens and is integrated into MATT.
  • If your system has no built-in method or module for changing lights, you'll have to use the Alter action to manually adjust the lighting attributes.

How do I have different actions on the same tile for different trigger methods?

See auto-landings.

How do I have different actions on the same tile for different players?

See auto-landings.

How do I have different actions in a tile based on the direction the token was moving?

See auto-landings.

Why does X action not work when I test it as a player but it works perfectly as the GM?

You're probably logging out as the GM and then just logging in as a player to test it. Some actions require a GM logged in. This is part of Foundry, and cannot be worked around currently. Any action in the action list on this wiki with GM following it requires a GM; there are also certain options for other actions that require a GM.

Why does my alter/elevation only set a value instead of increasing it?

See Space is Important.

Why do my filters not work and always let the token through even if they don't meet the requirements?

  1. You're missing a Check Entity County after the filters.
  2. Your Check Entity County that follows the filters is most likely set to check for Triggering Token. The triggering token is going to exist 99% of the time; it needs to be Current Tokens to only allow through a token that passed the preceding filters.
  3. Your Filter or your Check Entity Count is missing a space between your operators and the value.
  4. Your Check Entity Count is set to count the same number as your filter was. Unless you want them to have to 10+ tokens that meet the filters, leave it at > 0.
  5. If you're using D&D 5e, you're probably using skills.per.passive for your filter. That is in fact, performance. Perception is skills.prc.passive.

Why does my filter by attributes not work right after I set that attribute?

Add a Delay between setting the attribute and filtering for the attribute.

Why does my cross-scene Teleport action not work when using Tagger?

Double check that the Teleport action's Use Tagger settings are All Scenes.

How do I make area-of-effect traps that hits targets outside of the tile bounding box?

Use two tiles; a big one with just Manually Triggered that hits targets inside it, and a smaller one that just triggers the bigger tile.

Does MATT have a way to replicate the token cloning feature of Multilevel Tokens?

No, this feature is not able to be done using MATT.

How Do I Remove Money From a Token?

Depends on your system.

  • If you're on a sane system that actually uses items for physical items, Remove Item.
  • If you're on D&D 5e, Alter; attributes

Can I trigger a short/long rest in D&D 5e?

With a macro (not provided here).

Why do my tiles trigger regardless of token elevation when using Levels?

Add an Elevation Filter.


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