Page Index - gsilano/BebopS GitHub Wiki
27 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- BebopS, Parrot Bebop 2 Simulator
- For Developers
- Adding 1D Laser Scanner
- Adding a Camera to BebopS
- Adding a custom wind field to your world
- Adding a IMU to BebopS
- Adding an 1D Laser
- Adding an IMU to BebopS
- BebopS on Arch Linux with ROS Melodic and Gazebo 10
- Creating ROS Plugins for Gazebo
- Gazebo and Gazebo ROS Installation
- Gazebo Topic Naming Conventions
- Generate an octomap from your world
- Generate large terrains for worlds
- Generate your own Worlds
- Include ordering in cpp and header files
- Interfacing BebopS through MATLAB
- Interfacing BebopS with TravisCI
- International Competitions
- Package Versioning
- Publications
- ROS Interface Plugin
- Setting up the BebopS Simulator
- Software Specifications
- Specifying constants and default values
- Working With Meshes in Gazebo