Page Index - cogeorg/teaching GitHub Wiki
57 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Welcome to the Fintech Master Wiki!
- (Test and) Deploy Zombie Contracts
- Accounts
- Algorand Atomic Transfers
- Algorand Standard Assets
- Basic Concepts
- Command line 101
- Connecting to the private node
- Contracts
- Creating an AWS Instance
- CryptoZombies
- Data Types
- Deploy to a test network
- Deploying Smart Contracts
- Deploying Zombie Frontend
- Docker
- Dockerize Code
- Dockerize Zombie Frontend
- Financial Software Engineering
- Fintech and Cryptocurrencies
- Front end Development
- Front end Preparation
- Functions
- Ganache
- Genesis Block
- Geth
- Git
- HTML and CSS resources
- Hyperledger Fabric Tutorial
- Initializing a private node
- Installing a Virtual Machine
- Installing an Editor
- Installing Docker
- Installing Git
- Installing NodeJS and NPM
- Installing Python
- Introduction to Algorand
- Introduction to Ethereum
- Introduction to Hyperledger Fabric
- Lesson 1 Recap
- Lesson 2 Recap
- Lesson 3 Recap
- Lesson 4 Recap
- Lesson 5 Recap
- MetaMask
- Python resources
- Secure shell
- Shell, bash and bash scripts
- Starting the private node
- Syncing a public node
- Terminal
- Test and Deploy with Truffle
- Truffle
- Using Git
- Web3 Python API
- Why test?