Lesson 4 Recap - cogeorg/teaching GitHub Wiki

In this lesson, you mainly practice concepts that have been introduced in one of the previous lessons.

  • Chapter 1 + 2: introduces the payable modifier

    • allows contracts to receive ether through a function call
    function buySomething() external payable {
        // do something
    • there needs to be a special function for the owner of the contract to withdraw the money
  • Chapter 3: practice

  • Chapter 4: explains why a Solidity random number generator in insecure

    • a hostile user could decide to only publish/mine a transaction when she wins a random game
  • Chapter 5: practice

  • Chapter 6 + 7: refactoring code by outsourcing to modifiers

  • Chapter 8 + 9 + 10: practice

  • Chapter 11: explains if/else syntax

if (<condition>){
    // do something
} else if (<other condition>){
    // do something else
} else {
    // do something completely else
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