Secure shell - cogeorg/teaching GitHub Wiki
Bash is great in local contexts, think working on your own PC. However in some cases, you may need to make use of a remote server. Since a server has no GUI, the only way to interact with the server is via the shell. But before we can even do this, we need to connect to the server. To do this, we use Secure Shell, or simply SSH - a command line interface and protocol for interacting with a remote computer or server.
SSH has three utilities
- slogin and ssh - utilities to login
- scp - utilities to transfer files between local and remote machines
Once you’re logged in, you can simply use the bash skills learnt earlier to use the server. In this course, we’ll use SSH to connect to, and interact with the server setup for this course. Don't worry too much about this for now, as you won't be assessed on this. We’ll get everyone setup and walk you through how to connect to the server during the first tutorial.