BL2 Other: Bugfixes - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 2: Other: Bugfixes
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Bad_&_Good_Touch_Rarity, by Natsu235
Bonerfart Quest Fix, by Ethel
Breath_&_Blood_of_Terra_Rarity, by Natsu235
Correct E-Tech Launcher Material., by Shadowevil
Crossfire_Fuse_Time, by Natsu235
Dahl SMG scope perfect clarity, by Maplestruck
Enemy lootpool adjuster, by LightChaosman
Fight_for_Sanctuary_Weapons, by Natsu235
Gemstone Loot Pools by Orudeon, by Orudeon
Gunzerker - offhand amp fix, by LightChaosman
Love_Thumper_&_Deadly_Bloom_Skins, by Natsu235
Moneyshot Fix, by ZetaDaemon
no more permaslag, by Ethel
patch (from fixUCPerrors.blcm) - BL2, by 55tumbl
patch (from fixVoracHyperiusHealth.blcm) - BL2, by 55tumbl
Pete Loot Pool Fixer, by Freya
Physx Fix - Execute only in main menu, by Hemaxhu
Salvador_Lay_Waste_Skill_[EN], by Natsu235
Seraph Vendor Compat Fix, by Ethel
Shadow of the Seraphs red text typo fix, by Maplestruck
Skill Scaling Patch, by 55tumbl
Text Fixes, by apple1417
The Red Text Inconsistency Patch, by Kazy
TVHM Scaling Fix For Headhunters and FFS, by temmmmy
UHD_SR_Glowing_Textures, by Natsu235
Various Audio Fixes, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
Various Sal Fixes, by ZetaDaemon
Yellow_Jacket_Red_Text_[FR], by Natsu235
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