Text Fixes - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

Text Fixes

Author: apple1417

Last Updated: April 21, 2019

In Categories: Bugfixes, Text Changes

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Fixes various inconsistencies in text across the game. This includes terminology changes like the Hoplite decreasing movement speed while the Fabled Tortoise reduces it, as well as small spelling and capitalization changes, such as Kreig's Slayer of Terramorphous vs everyone else's Slayer Of Terramorphous. In case of conflicts let any other mods overwrite this one.

View whole README on Github

Description (from inside mod)

By apple1417
Fixes various inconsistencies in text across the game
This is probably incomplete, feel free to message me with other inconsistencies
In case of conflicts let any other mods overwrite this one
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