BL2 Audio and Visual: Text Changes - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 2: Audio and Visual: Text Changes
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AGLLoader, by GoldenGizzmo
Atlas AllegianceCOMs Fix, by Elfy
BL2 Sorted Fast Travel, by Apocalyptech
Booperlands, by mopioid
Crossfire_Fuse_Time, by Natsu235
DoT Presentation Renames, by Freya
Enemy name fixer, by LightChaosman
Hellfire (rename), by Maplestruck
I Never Square (Swear), by Facade
Legendary Catgirl (legendary cat rename), by Maplestruck
S&S AllegianceCOMs Fix, by Elfy
Shadow of the Seraphs red text typo fix, by Maplestruck
Slow Hand (new red text), by Maplestruck
Slur Removal, by Sunsh1neRae
Text Fixes, by apple1417
The Red Text Inconsistency Patch, by Kazy
Yellow_Jacket_Red_Text_[FR], by Natsu235
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