Apocalyptech - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Mods by Apocalyptech
Borderlands 2
(Go directly to Apocalyptech's BL2 Github mod directory)
- Aegrus Not-So-Rare Monsters
- Always Active Friendship Gulag Searchlights
- Always Visible Urine
- BL2 Better Loot Mod
- BL2 Cold Dead Hands
- BL2 Configurable Slot Machines
- BL2 Container TimeSaver XL
- BL2 Early Bloomer
- BL2 Expanded Legendary Pools
- BL2 Fast Travel TimeSaver XL
- BL2 Faster Rockets and Gyrojets
- BL2 Happy Horizontal People Transporter
- BL2 Improved Hyperion Stabilizers
- BL2 Invulnerable Escortees
- BL2 Mega TimeSaver XL
- BL2 Movement Speed Cheats
- BL2 No Wasted COMs
- BL2 Sorted Fast Travel
- Configurable Catch-A-Ride
- Fragile Minecraft Blocks
- Guaranteed Omnd-Omnd-Ohk
- Guaranteed Varkid Evolution
- More Loot Midget Containers
- More Muscles
- Neogenator Super Buff
- No Crushers in Lair of Infinite Agony
- No More Knocking
- Shredifier Super Buff
- Speedier Sandskiffs
- Stalkers Use Shields
- Trailer Trashing Always Counts as Night
- Unlocked MMORPGFPS
- Unlocked My Kingdom for a Wand
- Wildlife Preservation Fewer Injured Loaders
(Go directly to Apocalyptech's TPS Github mod directory)
- AdBlocker 2000
- Easier ECLIPSE and EOS
- Guaranteed M0RQ, Cutie Killer, and Heartfull Splodger
- Guaranteed Phonic
- Infinite Air Boosts
- Luneshine on Uniques
- No Broken Chests Near Denial Subroutine
- No Meathunks Required for Lost Legion Invasion
- No SpyBugs in The Cortex
- Proletarian Revolution Super Buff
- Reogenator Super Buff
- Speedier Moon Buggies
- Speedier Stingrays
- TPS Better Loot Mod
- TPS Cold Dead Hands
- TPS Configurable Slot Machines
- TPS Container TimeSaver XL
- TPS Early Bloomer
- TPS Expanded Legendary Pools
- TPS Faster Rockets and Gyrojets
- TPS Happy Horizontal People Transporter
- TPS Improved Hyperion Stabilizers
- TPS Invulnerable Escortees
- TPS Mega TimeSaver XL
- TPS Movement Speed Cheats
- TPS No Wasted COMs
- TPS Red Text Explainer
- TPS Skinpool Reassignments
- TPS Sorted Fast Travel