BL2 Mega TimeSaver XL - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

BL2 Mega TimeSaver XL

Author: Apocalyptech

Last Updated: September 04, 2023

In Categories: Fast Travel, Map Alterations, General QoL, Quest Changes, Vehicles

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This mod speeds up nearly all the noticeably-slow interactive objects that you use throughout BL2 by 5x (in general), most notably:

  • Containers
  • Doors / Gates
  • Drawbridges
  • Fast Travel Stations (primarily for Three Horns Valley, Highlands, and Hunter's Grotto)
  • Lifts / Elevators / Transporters
  • Slot Machines
  • Vehicle Aimations

This mod obsoletes two of my previous mods: BL2 Container TimeSaver XL and BL2 Fast Travel TimeSaver XL. Except for one tweak to the digistruct peak loot chests (so they digistruct in more quickly), the container and fast travel sections are identical to those old mods, so it won't actually hurt anything to have both installed, but you may as well delete the old ones anyway.

The mod is primarily focused on the things you directly interact with, so there's a number of things which are generally not sped up, such as: NPCs performing actions or moving around (some exceptions being the doors Claptrap opens in Windshear Waste, etc); sequences like a gate opening to spawn a new enemy (such as the assassins in Southpaw Steam and Power); dialogue; or anything relating to cutscenes. (If you want faster cutscenes, just use FromDarkHell's Cutscene Remover to skip them entirely.)

Note that there are a few things especially affected by this:

  • The vault symbol on the underside of the elevator in Ore Chasm is pretty much un-gettable now.
  • Capture the Flags: The flags now ascend at a reasonable pace. I'm pretty sure that enemy spawns get missed because of this, so technically we're nerfing this mission.
  • The Hunger Pangs (Wattle Gobbler Headhunter DLC): The cooking time has been shortened by a bit, which means that the mission's nerfed a bit.
  • Let There Be Light (Captain Scarlett DLC): The elevator you have to wait for before ascending to the lighthouse level has been speeded up quite a bit, which obviously makes that mini-arena easier.

This mod contains a section kindly donated by Gronp, specifically: Faster Vehicle Animations. Many thanks for this! The original mod has options to choose how much speedup the vehicle animations receive, so if you want a faster option for those, import Gronp's mod and make sure that it's after this mod in your mod list.

Some other notable things sped up by this mod (this is not an exhaustive list):

  • The minecart in Caustic Caverns
  • The mortar aiming sequence in Highlands
  • The shield grinder in the Highlands
  • Laser cutting times during the mission Statuesque
  • Hammerlock's walking speed during the Big Game Hunt DLC opening sequence
  • The Rubik's Cube puzzle in Mines of Avarice
  • The mining drill during the mission Claptocurrency
  • The cooking process in Gluttony Gulch
  • Thresher fishing, in Rotgut Distillery
  • Ed's movement speed, in Rotgut Distillery (also removed his proximity requirement)

View whole README on Github

Description (from inside mod)

BL2 Mega TimeSaver XL v1.0.1
by Apocalyptech
Licensed under Public Domain / CC0 1.0 Universal

Speeds up nearly all objects that the player interacts with, by 5x (mostly).
No more waiting for doors to open, elevators to ascend, overengineered Hyperion
containers to unpack, or other such annoyances!

Includes a mod graciously donated by Gronp, specifically "Faster Vehicle
Animations."  The original version of this mod has options for how much to
speed up the animations, so if you want to tweak those values, use Gronp's
version and make sure it appears after this one in your mod list:


v1.0.1, September 4, 2023:

  • Fixed a bug where the main door to the Splinter Group lair (in Bloodshot Stronghold) doesn't open properly.

v1.0.0, September 3, 2019:

  • Initial public release
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