BL2 Maps and Public Transport: Vehicles - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 2: Maps and Public Transport: Vehicles
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Better Vehicles, by Teratorn43906
BL2 Mega TimeSaver XL, by Apocalyptech
CarAnywhere - BL2, by FromDarkHell
Configurable Catch-A-Ride, by Apocalyptech
Configurable Vehicles, by FromDarkHell
Faster Runner MG, by soze
More Vehicles, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
More Vehicles, by FromDarkHell
Pawn Grenade - Enemy - Ally - Vehicle - Loot Spawner, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
Speedier Sandskiffs, by Apocalyptech
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