BL2 Maps and Public Transport: Fast Travel - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 2: Maps and Public Transport: Fast Travel
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Anemone Fast Travels, by apple1417
BL2 Fast Travel TimeSaver XL, by Apocalyptech
BL2 Mega TimeSaver XL, by Apocalyptech
Christmas Fast Travel Fix, by FromDarkHell
Custom Fast Travel Farms, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
FarmHouse 2 NSA, by Ethel
Fast_Travels (All One-Way), by Natsu235
Fast_Travels (Boss Farming), by Natsu235
Fast_Travels2, by splitzle
LootMidgetFastFarm, by Jim Raven
Oasis Fast Travel Fix, by FromDarkHell
Shorter Fast Travel Waiting Time v1.0.0 - BL2, by Astor
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