General Gameplay and Balance: Scaling Changes - blcm/bl3mods GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 3: General Gameplay and Balance: Scaling Changes
Borderlands 3 Mods
4 Player Enemy Health in 1P, 2P & 3P Lobbies, by CZ47
Alternate Scaling: BL1, by Apocalyptech
Alternate Scaling: BL2, by Apocalyptech
Alternate Scaling: TPS, by Apocalyptech
Balands (from Balands - 3 - Complete Version.bl3hotfix), by Aaron0000
Balands (from Balands - 3 - Balancing.bl3hotfix), by Aaron0000
Decreased Mayhem Enemy Scaling, by Apocalyptech
Elements Dots Overhaul, by Grimm
Guardian Takedown Health Balancing, by SSpyR
Increased Endgame Difficulty, by CZ47
Increased Spawns (from Increased spawns x20.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
Increased Spawns (from Increased spawns x4.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
Increased Spawns (from Increased spawns x10.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
Increased Spawns (from Increased Spawns.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
Increased Spawns (from Increased spawns x40.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
Increased Spawns (from Increased spawns x15.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
Increased Spawns (from Increased spawns x69.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
Legendary Price Scaling, by Phenom
Mayhem Overhaul, by PHM2D
No Scaling, by shadowevil
NVHM GameStage Follows Player Level, by Apocalyptech
Oldschool Mayhem, by lollixlii
Redux, by EpicNNG
Shadoe's Mayhem Raid, by BlackberryShadoe
TVHM Scale From Level 1, by Phenom
Weighted Ammo Drop, by Grimm
World Drop scales with your level, by Grimm
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