Increased Spawns (from Increased spawns x69.bl3hotfix) - blcm/bl3mods GitHub Wiki
Author: CZ47
Contact: =]#7647
Last Updated: October 28, 2021
Most Recent Version: 1.2.2
In Categories: Game Mode Balance, Scaling Changes, Enemy Spawns, Takedowns
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Other mods with the same name:
Increased Spawns (from Increased spawns x10.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
Increased Spawns (from Increased spawns x15.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
Increased Spawns (from Increased spawns x20.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
Increased Spawns (from Increased spawns x4.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
Increased Spawns (from Increased spawns x40.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
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Increased Spawns
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By Default all spawns are multiplied by 69.
Wotan and Kraken also multiply now, but with a delay.
Every 5s a new Wotan appears, the game gets too laggy if he spawns instantly over and over again.
However, as soon as you kill a Wotan completely, there will be no new spawns.
Every 2s a new Kraken appears, same reason. Kraken keeps spawning until you killed them all.
In 2 and 3 player, you get +1 Wotan and Kraken, in 4 player/true takedown you get +2 Wotans/Kraken.
This value is before the multiplier of the mod. (So upto 5 x 3 = 15 Wotans in True Takedown with this mod).
To increase/decrease the spawns to your liking,
change "BaseValueScale=69" to "BaseValueScale=x"
x being whatever you want the default # of spawns multiplied by.
Easiest/fastest way is using the replace function in most txt editors.
Sidenote, it may be that you won't see an exact x5 or x10 or whatever amount of spawns in some cases.
This is either due to rounding or because some parts are simply unaffected by this mod, or maybe something else
With Feedback this mod might see some adjustments.
Shoutout to SkruntSkrunt for the initial help with looking for ways to modify spawns.
Maps this is verified to be working on: Both Takedowns, Circles of slaughter and Arms Race
Currently doesn't work on the Proving grounds =(
Want more preset spawn changes other than x69?
Check 'em out here: