Activities: Takedowns - blcm/bl3mods GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 3: Activities: Takedowns
Borderlands 3 Mods
Barrel Nerf (turned into Eridium on MTD, AR and CoS), by CZ47
Boss Guardian Takedown: DLC3 Invasion, by skruntskrunt
Boss Guardian Takedown: Modders Cut, by skruntskrunt
Increased Spawns (from Increased spawns x20.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
Increased Spawns (from Increased spawns x4.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
Increased Spawns (from Increased spawns x10.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
Increased Spawns (from Increased Spawns.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
Increased Spawns (from Increased spawns x40.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
Increased Spawns (from Increased spawns x15.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
Increased Spawns (from Increased spawns x69.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
Raid on the Maliwan Takedown, by CZ47
Reduced SpawnDelay MTD, by CZ47
Short Guardian Takedown Crystal Charge: Instant, by Apocalyptech
Short Guardian Takedown Crystal Charge: Regular, by Apocalyptech
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