Apocalyptech - blcm/bl3mods GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 3 Mods by Apocalyptech
(Go directly to Apocalyptech's BL3 Mods Github mod directory)
- All (Limited-Time) Event Spawns Active
- All Weapons Can Anoint
- Alternate Scaling: BL1
- Alternate Scaling: BL2
- Alternate Scaling: TPS
- Always Visible Challenge Icons
- Anointment Re-Roll Cost: 1
- Anointment Re-Roll Cost: 10
- Anointment Re-Roll Cost: 100
- Anointment Re-Roll Cost: 150
- Anointment Re-Roll Cost: 200
- Anointment Re-Roll Cost: 25
- Anointment Re-Roll Cost: 50
- Anointment Re-Roll Cost: Free
- Arms Race Cheat
- Atlas HQ Courtyard Shortcut
- Atlas HQ Fast Travel: Base of Elevator
- Atlas HQ Fast Travel: Rhys' Office
- Atlas HQ Fast Travel: Upper Courtyard
- Beef Plissken Loot Pattern Fix
- Better Maliwan Charge Time
- Better Mayhem Rewards
- Better Slots
- BL3 Better Loot
- Black Market World Drops
- Black Markets Everywhere
- Boss Drop Randomizer
- Cheaper Eridium Economy
- Cheaper SDUs
- Cheaper Slots
- Customization Drop Rate: Constant
- Customization Drop Rate: Frequent
- Customization Drop Rate: Improved
- Customization Drop Rate: None
- Customizations: Only Heads and Skins
- Decreased Mayhem Enemy Scaling
- Digby's Smooth Tube Audio Fix
- Disable Email Loyalty Rewards
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Easy): Big Kick Energy
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Easy): Galaxy Brain
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Easy): Lootsplosion
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Easy): More Than Okay Boomer
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Easy): Slayer
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Easy): Speed Demon
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Hard): Boundary Issues
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Hard): Chain Gang
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Hard): Drone Ranger
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Hard): Laser Fare
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Hard): Pool Party
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Hard): Ticked Off
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Acid Reign
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Charred Mode
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Chilling Them Softly
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Floor is Lava
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Freeze Tag
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Healy Avenger
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): High Voltage
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Mob Mentality
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Pain Tolerance
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Totally Radical
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Very Hard): Buddy System
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Very Hard): Dazed and Infused
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Very Hard): Holy Crit
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Very Hard): Not the Face
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Very Hard): Post Mortem
- Disable Mayhem Modifier (Very Hard): Rogue Lite
- DLC Loot De-Emphasizer
- Droughts Chest Moves
- Droughts Quick Change at Highway Fast Travel
- Droughts Stocked Porta-Potties
- Earlier Childhood's End
- Early Bloomer
- Easy Entry to Fort Sunshine
- Enable Pendant of Terramorphous Artifact
- Enemy Equips: All The Shoddy
- Enemy Equips: All World Drops
- Enemy Equips: Legendaries (all)
- Enemy Equips: Legendaries (typelocked)
- Enemy Equips: Typelocked World Drops
- Equal Character Gear Chance
- Event Rewards: Bloody Harvest (2019)
- Event Rewards: Bloody Harvest (2020)
- Event Rewards: Broken Hearts (2020)
- Event Rewards: Broken Hearts (2021)
- Event Rewards: Revenge of the Cartels (2020)
- Event Rewards: Revenge of the Cartels (2021)
- Expanded Customization Pools: All but Mission Rewards
- Expanded Customization Pools: All but Mission Rewards and Earl's Shop
- Expanded Customization Pools: All but Mission Rewards, Earl's Shop, and Vault Cards
- Expanded Customization Pools: All Customizations
- Expanded Event Spawners: Bloody Harvest
- Expanded Event Spawners: Broken Hearts
- Expanded Event Spawners: Revenge of the Cartels
- Expanded Legendary Pools
- Fabricator: Eridium
- Fabricator: Rapid-Fire
- Fabricator: Replicator
- Fast Levelling: Fast Variant (very cheaty!)
- Fast Levelling: Faster Variant (very cheaty!)
- Fast Levelling: Insane Variant (very cheaty!)
- First Gun Chest: Full Loadout
- First Gun Chest: Testing Gear
- Fix Broken Loot Patterns
- Fix DLC Shield Drops
- Fix Siren COM Blank Parts
- Force Enemy Spawns: BPChar_TinkAnointed
- Fragile Containers
- Fragile Eridium Clusters
- Free Hemovorous Door
- Free Respawn
- Free Respec
- Guaranteed Ghosts
- Guaranteed Rare Spawns
- Heart of Gold: Better Gifts
- Infighting
- Infinite Slide
- Jetbeasts (Almost) Everywhere
- Life of the Party: Short Rakk Shootout
- Main Menu: Cartels
- Main Menu: Christmas
- Main Menu: Halloween
- Main Menu: Normal
- Manufacturer Lock: Atlas
- Manufacturer Lock: COV
- Manufacturer Lock: Dahl
- Manufacturer Lock: Hyperion
- Manufacturer Lock: Jakobs
- Manufacturer Lock: Maliwan
- Manufacturer Lock: Tediore
- Manufacturer Lock: Torgue
- Manufacturer Lock: Vladof
- Mayhem Mode Configurator
- Mayhem Modifier Nerfs
- Mega TimeSaver XL
- Mission Reward Randomizer
- Modtest Char Setup (at beginning of the game)
- Money Grenade Changes: Diamond Keys
- Money Grenade Changes: Eridium
- Money Grenade Changes: Grenades
- Money Grenade Changes: Loot
- More Elemental Weapons
- More Tracker Darts
- More Visible ECHO Logs
- Mountaineer
- Movement Speed Cheats - Extreme Improvements
- Movement Speed Cheats - Normal
- Movement Speed Cheats - Reasonable Improvements
- Nerf OP Gear
- No Cryo Penalty
- No Hidden Eridium
- No Mayhem Drop Scaling
- No Panting
- No Projected Shields
- No Reload Notification
- No Slam-based Artifacts
- No Trials Dependencies
- No Wasted Equipment
- NVHM GameStage Follows Player Level
- Only Atlas Grenades
- P2P Networker Element Fix
- Photo Mode Unlock
- Provocateur COM (Unreleased Ixora Operative COM)
- Quick Changes Everywhere
- Red Chest Timer Reset
- Red Text Explainer
- Remove Mayhem Gear Bonuses
- Reopenable Gear Chests
- Revenge of the Cartels: Fewer Operatives
- Short Guardian Takedown Crystal Charge: Instant
- Short Guardian Takedown Crystal Charge: Regular
- Silent Sellout
- Single-Element Maliwan
- Sisterly Love: More Money
- Sizemod: NPC Big-lands (2.0x)
- Sizemod: NPC Giant-lands (5.0x)
- Sizemod: NPC Huge-lands (3.0x)
- Sizemod: NPC Smol-lands (0.7x)
- Sizemod: NPC Tiny-lands (0.4x)
- Slayer Modifier Booster Change
- Stronger Snipers
- Super Buff: Crader's EM-P5
- Super Buff: Transformer
- Testing Enemy Spawns
- Testing Loot Drops
- Torgue ARs: Full Auto
- Transaction-Packed: Abridged
- Uniques Are Legendary
- Unlock DLC3 Tech
- Unlock Mayhem-Specific Drops
- Unlocked Vermivorous
- Vehicle Unlocks
- Vehicle Unlocks (Legacy)
- Vehicle Unlocks+
- Visible BPChar Names
- World Drop Designer's Cut COMs