Alternate Scaling: TPS - blcm/bl3mods GitHub Wiki
Author: Apocalyptech
Last Updated: August 01, 2022
Most Recent Version: 1.0.0
In Categories: Scaling Changes
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
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Alternate Scaling: TPS
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This is a collection of mods which set the main "universal" scaling constant to match either BL1, BL2, or TPS (depending on which you choose).
The default scaling factors for the various Borderlands games are:
or thereabouts, though BL1 doesn't have a single scaling factor, so it's more difficult to reduce it to a single number. -
Note that these scaling values interact oddly with Mayhem Mode, and values
above 1.09
actually make Mayhem levels easier due to how the math works
out. Use a lower scaling value if you want harder Mayhem play.
Updates the universal scaling constant from BL3's default of 1.09 to match
TPS's 1.1
(NOTE: These scaling vars don't play intuitively with Mayhem levels. Anything
above the default 1.09 will end up making the game quite a bit easier in higher
Mayhem levels, so you'd actually want to *reduce* the scaling to make Mayhem
Generated by
Aug 1, 2022 (no version number change)
- Updated to use new metadata tags (no functionality change)
Jun 16, 2021 (no version number change)
- Added contact info to mod header
v1.0.0 - Sep 26, 2020
- First versioned release