DaqCodes - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki

Command codes for the USB-1208FS Daq.
0x10 16 DaqAIn Read analog in
0x11 17 DaqAInScan Read analog in, clocked
0x12 18 DaqAInStop Stop input scan
0x13 19 DaqALoadQueue Set channel gains
0x14 20 DaqAOut Write analog out
0x15 21 DaqAOutScan Write analog out, clocked
0x16 22 DaqAOutStop Stop output scan
0x01 1 DaqDConfigPort Configure digital port
0x03 3 DaqDIn Read digital ports
0x04 4 DaqDOut Write digital port
0x40 64 DaqBlinkLED Cause LED to blink
0x20 32 DaqCInit Initialize counter
0x21 33 DaqCIn Read counter
0x46 70 DaqGetAll Read all analog and digital input values
0x44 68 DaqGetStatus Read device status
0x41 65 DaqReset Reset the device
0x45 69 DaqSetCal Set CAL output
0x43 67 DaqSetSync Configure sync
0x42 66 DaqSetTrigger Configure ext. trigger
0x30 48 DaqMemRead Read memory
0x31 49 DaqMemWrite Write memory
0x55 85 DaqReadCode Read program memory
0x50 80 DaqPrepareDownload Prepare for program memory download
0x51 81 DaqWriteCode Write program memory
0x53 83 DaqWriteSerialNumber Write a new serial number to device
See also Daq, DaqFunctions, DaqPins.

Command codes for USB-1608FS. Since all overlapped codes are the same,
assume that all codes are the same... well... except that there are no
analog output ports apparently, so DaqAOut, DaqAOutScan, and DaqAOutStop
should not have associated codes. No 20, 21, or 22.
0x01 1 DaqDConfigPort Configure digital port
0x02 2 DaqDConfigPortBit Configure individual digital port bits
0x03 3 DaqDIn Read digital port
0x04 4 DaqDOut Write digital port
0x05 5 DaqDReadBit Read digital port bit
0x06 6 DaqDWriteBit Write digital port bit

0x10 16 DaqAIn Read analog input channel
0x11 17 DaqAInScan Scan analog channels
0x12 18 DaqAInStop Stop input scan
0x13 19 DaqALoadQueue Load the channel/gain queue

0x20 32 DaqCInit Initialize counter
0x21 33 DaqCIn Read Counter

0x30 48 DaqMemRead Read Memory
0x31 49 DaqMemWrite Write Memory

0x40 64 DaqBlinkLED Causes LED to blink
0x41 65 DaqReset Reset USB interface
0x42 66 DaqSetTrigger Configure external trigger
0x43 67 DaqSetSync Configure sync input/output
0x44 68 DaqGetStatus Get device status
0x45 69 DaqSetCal Set calibration output
0x46 70 DaqGetAll Get all analog and digital input values

0x50 80 DaqPrepareDownload Prepare for program memory download
0x51 81 DaqWriteCode Write program memory
0x52 82 (unwritten) Return program memory checksum
0x53 83 DaqWriteSerialNumber Write a new serial number to device
0x54 84 (unwritten) Update program memory
0x55 85 DaqReadCode Read program memory

Command codes for USB-1024LS and similar: Quite different from the 1x08
series: A speciality is that reportId must be always zero (0) for these
devices - they use interrupt endpoint 0 transfers. For the same reason,
output reports must always by 8 bytes in length -- pad them if they're
shorter! Handling of port C of the device may be a bit quirky, as it is
treated as two ports, a low port and a high port.

This is based on code and command codes found in usb-1024LS.h and .c,
subroutine files of the free libhid, a GPL'ed cross platform HID device
library written by Warren Jasper (<[email protected]>). It has not been
tested by me on any actual device! (MK).

0x0d 13 DaqDConfigPort Configure digital port (portid == portA = 0x1, portB = 0x4, portClow = 0x8 portCHi = 0x2)
0x03 3 DaqDIn Read digital port
0x01 1 DaqDOut Write digital port
0x02 2 DaqDReadBit Read digital port bit (unwritten)
0x03 3 DaqDWriteBit Write digital port bit (unwritten)
0x0b 11 DaqBlinkLED Causes LED to blink
0x11 17 DaqReset Reset USB interface (unwritten)
0x05 5 DaqCInit Initialize counter
0x04 4 DaqCIn Read Counter
0x0a 10 DaqWriteCode Write program memory (unwritten)
0x09 9 DaqReadCode Read program memory (unwritten)
0x0c 12 DaqWriteSerialNumber Write a new serial number to device (unwritten)

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