DaqSetSync - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
USB-1208FS: Configure sync input/output.
"DeviceIndex" is a small integer, the array index specifying which HID
device in the array returned by PsychHID('Devices') is interface
0 of the desired USB-1208FS box.
"type" is 0 for master, 1 for slave with continuous clock, or 2 for slave
with gated clock.
This command configures the sync signal. The sync signal may be used to
synchronize the analog input scan of multiple devices. When multiple
devices are to be used, one device is selected as the master and the rest
as slaves. The sync signal of all devices must be wired together. The
master will output a pulse every sample, and all of the devices will
acquire their samples simultaneously. This may also be used to pace one
or more devices from an external TTL/CMOS clock signal (max rate 50 kHz.)
This may also be used with an external trigger; the external trigger
signal should be brought to the master device, and all devices will begin
sampling when the master is triggered. If a device is configured as a
slave, it will not acquire data when given an AInScan command until it
detects a pulse on the sync input. If configured as a slave with a
continuous clock, an additional sync pulse is required to set up the
AInScan. If configured as a slave with a gated clock the additional sync
pulse is not required. However, if a sync pulse is received while the
AInScan setup is being performed by the device, improper operation may
result. This is intended for use when synchronizing with another USB-1208FS,
where the sync signal will not be present until the master device has
been issued an AInScan command. The device will switch the SYNC pin to
the appropriate input/output state when this command is received.
See also Daq, DaqFunctions, DaqPins, DaqTest, PsychHIDTest.