DaqAInScan - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
* *
* For USB-1608FS, make sure you look at the bottom of this help as there *
* are significant differences between the function of that device and of *
* the USB-1208FS. "channel" means something a bit different, and the *
* recommendation for that device is oppostite of that for the USB-1208FS *
* with respect to using options.FIrstchannel and options.Lastchannel. The *
* differences indicating need for that change in recommendation are *
* unfortunate as the two different methods for choosing which channels to *
* scan were the most confusing things in this function. But the *
* USB-1208FS can be told to select particular channels by utilizing the *
* gain queue, and the USB-1608FS does not allow that behavior. See the *
* help for DaqALoadQueue for more insight. -- mpr *
* *
USB-1208FS: Analog input scan. Clocked analog to digital conversion. This
command samples several analog input channels at a specified rate and
sends the readings to the host. Use DaqAInScan when you want to complete
the whole operation in one call, tying up the computer until the sampling
is done. Use DaqAInScanBegin, DaqAInScanContinue, and DaqAInScanEnd,
instead, when you want to use the computer during sampling.
USE CHANNEL AND RANGE: You can specify the channels to be scanned in two
different ways, "FirstChannel" and "LastChannel", or as an arbitrary
"channel" list. We recommend the latter because it's much more general.
With "channel" you also provide a corresponding list of the desired gain
"range". If you use FirstChannel and LastChannel, then the sampling will
use the existing gains that were last set on those channels (by AIn or
ALoadQueue)). However, DaqAInScan doesn't know what that gain range was,
so it arbitrarily assumes a gain range of 3 in computing the scale factor
to convert your readings into voltages. Thus every reason recommends that
you supply channel and range when you call DaqAInScan.
"data" is an NxM matrix, with one column per channel. Each reading is a
double, based on a 16-bit value in the report. In the USB-1208FS
only the upper 12 of those 16 bits are significant.
"params.fActual" is the actual sampling frequency, sample/channel/s. It
is as close as possible to the requested sampling frequency
"params.times" is the times (GetSecs) of receipt by PsychHID of the
reports in data.
"DeviceIndex" is a small integer, the array index specifying which HID
device in the array returned by PsychHID('Devices') is interface 0
of the desired USB-1208FS box.
"options.channel" is a vector of length 1 to 8. Each value (0 to 15)
selects any of various single-ended or differential measurements
using the eight digitizers. By default, DaqAInScan sends this for you
to the device by calling DaqALoadQueue before issuing the AInScan
"channel" Measurement
0 0-1 (differential)
1 2-3 (differential)
2 4-5 (differential)
3 6-7 (differential)
4 1-0 (differential)
5 3-2 (differential)
6 5-4 (differential)
7 7-6 (differential)
8 0 (single-ended)
9 1 (single-ended)
10 2 (single-ended)
11 3 (single-ended)
12 4 (single-ended)
13 5 (single-ended)
14 6 (single-ended)
15 7 (single-ended)
"options.range" is a vector of the same length as options.channel, with
values of 0 to 7, specifying the desired gain (and voltage range) for
the corresponding channel. By default, DaqAInScan sends this for you
to the device by calling DaqALoadQueue before issuing the AInScan
command. When options.range is not specified DaqAInScan assumes a
value of 3 in computing the scale factor applied to the results to
convert them into volts unless you are making a single-ended measurement.
For single-ended measures, the range is always +/- 10 V, so if you pass a
channel higher than 7, any range values you pass for that channel will be
0 for Gain 1x (+-20 V), 1 for Gain 2x (+-10 V),
2 for Gain 4x (+-5 V), 3 for Gain 5x (+-4 V),
4 for Gain 8x (+-2.5 V), 5 for Gain 10x (+-2 V),
6 for Gain 16x (+-1.25 V), 7 for Gain 20x (+-1 V).
"options.FirstChannel" (0 to 15) is the first channel of the scan. NOT
RECOMMENDED; use options.channel instead. If you specify FirstChannel
and LastChannel then don't specify channel and range, above. (formerly
"options.lowChannel" -- that terminology is deprecated.)
"options.LastChannel" (0 to 15) is the last channel of the scan. The
values FirstChannel and LastChannel specify the channel range for the
scan. If FirstChannel is greater than LastChannel, the scan will wrap
(i.e. if FirstChannel is 14 and LastChannel is 1, the scan will include
channels 14, 15, 0, and 1.) NOT RECOMMENDED; use options.channel
instead. If you specify FirstChannel and LastChannel then don't specify
channel and range, above. (formerly "options.highChannel" -- that
terminology is deprecated.)
"options.count" is the desired number of samples per channel, either in
the 32-bit range 1 to 4e+09, or INF. The value INF invokes the
USB-1208FS's continuous data collection mode, which runs indefinitely.
"options.ReleaseTime" effective only when options.continue (see below) is set
to 1 and options.count is Inf. Setting options.ReleaseTime to some
reasonable time in the future and then calling DaqAInScanContinue will
allow data to be offloaded from the device's FIFO. If you select the
option appropriately and call DaqAInScanContinue frequently enough, you
will not lose data. Otherwise the FIFO fills, and you get jack diddly
"options.f" is desired sampling frequency, sample/channel/s, in the range
0.596/c to 10e6/c Hz, where c is the number of channels being
"options.immediate" is 1 = immediate-transfer mode, 0 (default) =
block-transfer mode. At low sampling rates, immediate-transfer mode
will reduce the delay in receiving the sampled data. In
immediate-transfer mode, each 16-bit sample is sent immediately (a
2-byte report), rather than waiting for the buffer to fill (62
bytes). This mode should not be used if the aggregate sampling rate
is greater than 2,000 samples per second in order to avoid data loss.
The difference between the two modes will be more apparent if you
enable options.print, allowing you to see that you get one-sample
reports (2 bytes) in immediate mode, and less-frequent 31-sample
reports (62 bytes) in block-transfer mode.
"options.trigger" is 1 = use external trigger; 0 (default).
The external trigger may be used to start data collection
synchronously. If the bit is set, the device will wait until the
appropriate trigger edge is detected, then begin sampling data at
the specified rate. No messages will be sent until the trigger is
"options.retrigger" is 1 = retrigger mode, 0 (default) = normal trigger.
The retrigger mode option is only used if trigger is used. This
option will cause the trigger to be rearmed after options.count
samples are acquired if in continuous mode.
"options.sendChannelRange is 1 (default) to ask that the options.channel
and options.range lists (if provided) be sent to the device by
calling DaqALoadQueue before the sending the AInScan command, or 0 to
not send them. Since those lists persist in the device you can save
time by skipping this transmission after you've already sent them
once (either through DaqAinScan or by explicitly calling
DaqALoadQueue yourself). Even if you set this option to 0 you should
still supply the options.channel and options.range arguments to
DaqAInScan because it needs to know how many channels you are using
in order to set up the count and frequency parameters in the AInScan
command to the USB-1208FS. This default is 0 if you supply
FirstChannel and LastChannel.
"options.queue" is 1 = use channel gain queue (i.e. "channel" and
"range"), 0 = use options.FirstChannel and options.LastChannel
arguments. Don't bother setting this. It will be set for you, based
on which parameters you provide.
"options.print" is 1 = enable diagnostic printing of the reports; 0
(default) no diagnostics.
"options.begin" is 1 (default) to begin a new scan.
"options.continue" is 1 (default) to receive reports (inside PsychHID)).
"options.end" is 1 (default) to wait until done and return the result.
"options.nodiscard" is an optional field. If 1 (true) then the check for
consecutively numbered reports is skipped. No data is discarded.
LIMITATION: The literature from Measurement Computing mentions a speed of
50 kHz, but that's a theoretical limit. As of 17 April 2005, DaqAInScan
achieves 2000/c sample/channel/s, where c is the number of channels being
See also Daq, DaqFunctions, DaqPins, DaqTest, PsychHIDTest,
DaqAInScanBegin, DaqAInScanContinue, DaqAInScanEnd,
DaqDeviceIndex, DaqDIn, DaqDOut, DaqAIn, DaqAOut, DaqAInScan,DaqAOutScan.
In some ways the USB-1608FS is less functional than the 1208FS. For instance,
where the 1208FS allows you to sample from the different channels in arbitrary
order, the 1608FS only allows you to sample from sequential channels. Hence,
I think the only way to get this function to wrap for the 1608FS would be if
you sampled from *all* channels and threw away the data not requested by the
user. Since that would entail a potentially mystifying performance hit, I
instead opt to tell user that they cannot set FirstChannel higher than
LastChannel. What follows are other differences in options... If an option
is not specified below, then it behaves the same for the 1608FS as for the
"options.channel" will be ignored (though you will get a warning). Do *NOT*
even consider using this method with a 1608FS as it would be too confusing
to try to set this up... you could not poll an arbitrary sequence, and if
you want non-consecutive channels... see previous paragraph.
"options.range" if specified, is either a scalar or a vector that must be of
the same length as the vector: options.FirstChannel:options.LastChannel.
Values must be in the set 0:7, specifying the desired gain (and hence
voltage range) for the corresponding channel as in the 1208FS except that
the mapping differs. For the USB-1608FS, the values mean:
0 for Gain 1x (+/- 10 V), 1 for Gain 2x (+/- 5 V),
2 for Gain 4x (+/- 2.5 V), 3 for Gain 5x (+/- 2 V),
4 for Gain 8x (+/- 1.25 V), 5 for Gain 10x (+/- 1 V),
6 for Gain 16x (+/- 0.625 V), 7 for Gain 32x (+/- 0.3125 V)
If options.range is passed, this function will call DaqALoadQueue for you. If
it is not, then it is assumed you do not wish to change the gains, and that
function is not called. Since we cannot read the gains, a preferences file
will be created or edited for you when you call DaqALoadQueue.
"options.FirstChannel" (0 to 7) is the first channel of the scan. If you do not
pass this option, it is assumed to be 0.
"options.LastChannel" (options.Firstchannel to 7) is the last channel of the
scan. If you do not specify this option, it is assumed you want only to
sample from options.Firstchannel.
"options.retrigger" is apparently not an option for the 1608FS. I could be
wrong about whether it *could* be an option: there is a potential option
called "external sync", and that might be the same as retrigger. However,
even if that is correct, I have not implemented it. (see note below on
numerical definitions of options)
"options.queue" again, not an option. Don't try to use it.
These options do not exist (as such) for the 1208FS. They all default to 0.
"options.burst" if 1, acquire data in burst mode. It is not clear to me what
differences are entailed by setting this to 1 compared to just setting
"options.immediate" to 1, but if nothing else, data from multiple channels
can be acquired faster; I've not tested it, but it may be that in burst
mode the device acquires data until its FIFO is full and may ignore
efforts to communicate with it until that occurs.
"options.ExternSync" if 1, use external sync signal. I believe this is mainly
for using to daqs to acquire data simultaneously. Connect the sync
terminals of the two devices, configure one to output a sync signal and
set this option to 1 so that this device listens for that sync signal and
times its data acquisition accordingly.
"options.debug" I have no idea what this does... "debug" doesn't even appear
in the user manual for the device.
To use this function, you don't need the following information. However, if
you want to modify it, this information may prove useful to you. The options
that are passed through PsychHID are combined into a single 8-bit number. The
settings for the bits (that I know of) for the 1208FS are:
1 (0x1) Execution Mode (1=counted, 0=continuous)
2 (0x2) Transfer mode (1=immediate, 0=blocked)
3 (0x4) Trigger mode (1=external, 0=internal)
5 (0x10) Gain Queue mode (1=use stored queue, 0=use channels passed)
6 (0x20) Retrigger mode (1=reset trigger, 0=don't)
and for the 1608FS:
1 (0x1) Execution Mode (1=counted, 0=continuous)
2 (0x2) Burst Mode (1=burst I/O, 0=normal I/O)
3 (0x4) Transfer mode (1=immediate, 0=blocked)
4 (0x8) Trigger mode (1=external, 0=internal)
5 (0x10) External sync (1=use external, 0=don't); as noted above, this may
be the same as retrigger mode
6 (0x20) Debug mode (1=debug, 0=non-debug) (I don't know what this does)
4/15/05 dgp Wrote it.
4/15/05 dgp Merged several of the arguments into the "options" struct.
4/25/05 dgp Added options.channel, options.range, and options.sendChannelRange.
4/27/05 dgp Fixed immediate-transfer mode once I realized that the report
contains only one sample, not one sample per channel.
8/26/05 dgp Fixed bug in extraction of serial number, as suggested by Steve
Van Hooser, [email protected]
8/26/05 dgp Incorporated bug fix for compatibility with Mac OS X Tiger
suggested by Maria Mckinley <[email protected]>. The reported
number of outputs of the USB-1208FS has changed in Tiger.
1/02/07 mk Add 'persistent dinc' to line 245. This apparently fixes some
bug, bugfix proposed by Florian Stendel.
1/x/08 mpr modified for use of USB-1608FS, added options.ReleaseTime; changed
low and high Channels to First and Last because previous
terminology seemed too easily confused with high and low bytes
or high and low channels in 1208FS pin out diagrams.
3/14/08 mpr added warning when data are discarded
3/15/09 mk timer_preload calculation changed according to bug report and bugfix
suggested by Peter Meilstrup in forum message 9221. There was an
off-by-one bug present...
3/24/12 mk Add handling for options.livedata -- retrieval of data while
DAQ is running.
6/21/15 mk Implement options.sendChannelRange for the 1608-FS to allow skipping
of DaqALoadQueue, which is likely pretty expensive.
12/6/15 mk Try to select interfaces ascending by interfaceID for assignment to
IndexRange, instead of hard-coding ranges. This should not change
anything on Linux or Windows, but maybe it helps the brain-dead OSX.
9/24/16 js Remembers the serial number of the Daq device when options.begin is true,
then only uses device IDs with the same serial number; this allows multiple
devices to be attached to the same system. Adds optional field options.nodiscard
to keep all data, regardless of the consecutivity of reports.
9/26/16 mk Runs on Matlab R2013a and later, replacing the deprecated bitcmp function
for handling of 12 bit differential channels on non-USB 1608FS. Untested.