DaqDWriteBit - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
USB-1608FS: Write bit to digital port.
"DeviceIndex" is a small integer, the array index specifying which HID
device in the array returned by PsychHID('Devices') is interface 0
of the desired USB-1608FS box.
* *
* If your Daq is a USB-1208FS or USB-1408FS, this code has not been tested; *
* it probably will not run on your device. The USB-1608FS has only one DIO *
* port and that is what this code was written to expect. To make it run on *
* a 12 or 14 bit device, you should fix this to take an additional input *
* (the portnumber) and to continue to behave as is for the 16-bit device. *
* An example of how to do that can be found in DaqDConfigPort. -- mpr *
* *
BitNumber should range from 0:7 specifying the channel whose bit you want set;
0 corresponds to screw terminal 21, 1 corresponds to screw terminal 23, etc.
"value" should be 0 or 1.
BitNumber can be a vector in order to write multiple bits at once. To
implement this, value must be a vector the same length as BitNumber, or it
must be a scalar in which case all designated bits will be given that value.
See also Daq, DaqFunctions, DaqPins, DaqTest, PsychHIDTest,
DaqDConfigPortBit, DaqDReadBit, DaqDeviceIndex, DaqDIn, DaqDOut.
12/17/07 mpr scavenged code from DaqDOut and edited it to make this
1/11/08 mpr swept through attempting to improve consistency across daq