Farm - abunchofhacks/epicinium-documentation GitHub Wiki

The Farm tile can surround itself with Crops that generate income. The Farm tile can be built by a Settler unit at the cost of 5. Its maximum size is 2 and its vision radius is 2. Each building of a Farm tile has 2 hitpoints. When destroyed, a Farm tile becomes a Rubble tile.

Like City tiles, a Farm tile will only gain power at night if its surroundings are sufficiently natural; the number of Grass tiles that are not covered by Snow, plus the number of Forest tiles, plus half the number of Water and Crops tiles (rounded down), must be greater than its current power. A Farm tile that is occupied by an enemy unit does not gain power, but the surrounding Crops tiles can still generate income at night.

During the Autumn weather phase, a Farm tile emits 1 Chaos.


The Farm tile can produce a Settler unit at the cost of 1. The produced Settler unit will always have 1 figure, regardless of the current power of the Town tile.

The Farm tile can produce a Militia unit at the cost of 5.


The Farm tile can cultivate all surrounding tiles into Soil tiles at no cost. The Farm tile automatically cultivates when it is built.