Damage - abunchofhacks/epicinium-documentation GitHub Wiki

Whenever a unit or an effect deals damage to one or more tiles or units, a damage step starts. Damage steps can be started either because of a targeted attack such as an active attack, a focussed attack or an attack of opportunity, or because of an indiscriminate damage effect such as damage dealt by a Bombard ability or damage dealt in the Decay phase.


Every damage step involves one or more sources that distribute their damage over one or more bodies. In order, every source fires a number of shots that each deal a certain amount of damage to a single randomly chosen body. When the total damage a body has taken reaches or exceeds that body's hitpoints, the body has taken lethal damage and is removed from the damage step. If there is still damage left to be distributed when all bodies have taken lethal damage, the remaining damage is randomly distributed over the bodies.


In case of a targeted attack, each attacker supplies a number of shots equal to the number of figures it has multiplied by its firerate. Each shot has a damage value associated with it based on the unit type of the attacker.

The target unit supplies a number of bodies equal to the number of figures it has. Each body has a hitpoint value based on the type of the target unit.

Additionally, the tile can provide a collateral body. If the target is a ground unit and the tile that belongs to the same space has buildings or trees, it provides a single body; the hitpoint value of that body is based on the type of the tile. If the target is a non-mechanical ground unit and the tile is a Trenches tile, the tile provides 3 collateral bodies with 1 hitpoint each. If the target is bypassing another unit, the bypassed unit supplies a single body whose hitpoint value is based on the type of the unit. If the target is bypassing another unit and the tile is a Trenches tile, then neither the Trenches nor the bypassed units provide any collateral bodies.


In the case of an indiscriminate damage effect, the effect determines the number of shots and the damage that each shot deals.

If the damage effect only targets ground, the tile and the ground unit both provide bodies based on their types. If the damage effect targets both ground and air, any air unit that is present also provides a body based on its type. Trample damage steps target the tile specifically, so only the tile provides bodies based on its type.

Each unit supplies a number of bodies equal to the number of figures it has; each body has a hitpoint value based on the type of the target unit. If the tile has buildings or trees, it supplies a number of bodies equal to the number of buildings or trees, each with a hitpoint value based on the type of the tile. If the tile has no buildings or trees, it provides a single body with 1 hitpoint.


A body's hitpoints can be modified based on the space it is in; the body's hitpoints are reduced by 1 if the space is affected by Bonedrought or Gas and the body does not belong to an air unit. If multiple modifiers apply, they all reduce the hitpoints by 1. Hitpoints are never reduced below 1.


Units lose one figure for every body that takes lethal damage. In case of a targeted attack, tiles that have buildings or trees lose one if the collateral body took lethal damage; if the tile has powered buildings then the tile will lose one of them. In case of an indiscriminate damage effect, tiles with buildings or trees lose one for every body that took lethal damage; whether they also lose power depends on which buildings are lost.

If a damage step causes a unit to be left with no figures, the unit is killed. If a tile has no buildings or trees at the end of a damage step, it is destroyed; Forest tiles become Grass tiles, Grass, Soil and Crops tiles become Dirt tiles, and City tiles and other populated tiles become Rubble tiles. When certain units and tiles are destroyed, they cause the space they are in to gain up to 1 Gas.