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Type inference

There are two types of Clover type inference: type variable inference of local variable, type inference to block object. First is type inference of local variables.

    a: int = 2;


    a: = 2;

You can write. The type of the variable is declared according to the type of the rvalue value.

Type inference to another block object is as follows.

    a: lambda (int, int): int = lambda (a: int, b: int) {return a + b}

Depending on the return type, the return type of the block object is determined. (Return value: int can be omitted)

(From version 4.9.1 I am obliterating the omission of the return value of block object type inference.) I'm sorry.

Type block inference method

Arguments and return values ​​can be omitted in the method block. The arguments are declared as it, it2, it3, ....

    {1,2,3}. each { it.toString().println() }

    a:SortableList<String> = {1,2,3}.map{ it.toString() }


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