typing en - ab25cq/clover2 GitHub Wiki
There are two types of Clover type inference: type variable inference of local variable, type inference to block object. First is type inference of local variables.
a: int = 2;
a: = 2;
You can write. The type of the variable is declared according to the type of the rvalue value.
Type inference to another block object is as follows.
a: lambda (int, int): int = lambda (a: int, b: int) {return a + b}
Depending on the return type, the return type of the block object is determined. (Return value: int can be omitted)
(From version 4.9.1 I am obliterating the omission of the return value of block object type inference.) I'm sorry.
Arguments and return values can be omitted in the method block. The arguments are declared as it, it2, it3, ....
{1,2,3}. each { it.toString().println() }
a:SortableList<String> = {1,2,3}.map{ it.toString() }