VisibilityCone - Zudokakikuto/OreCZML GitHub Wiki

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Visibility Cone

Implements : CZMLPrimaryObject

Extends : AbstractPrimaryObject

Example :

    "id":"VIS/Toulouse Frame/Keplerian parameters: {a: 6928000.0; e: 0.0; i: 60.00000000000001; pa: 0.0; raan: 90.0; v: 90.0;}",
    "name":"Visibility of Toulouse Frame looking at Keplerian parameters: {a: 6928000.0; e: 0.0; i: 60.00000000000001; pa: 0.0; raan: 90.0; v: 90.0;}",


id - String : Identification of the visibility cone, default : "VIS/[Name of the station]/[Name of the satellite].

name - String : Name of the visibility cone, default : "Frame of the station [name of the station] looking at [name of the satellite].

availability - TimeInterval : Time interval where the visibility cone is displayed.

Intrinsic arguments


TopocentricFrame - TopocentricFrame : The Orekit TopocentricFrame Object

Cylinder - Cylinder : The cylinder object, that describes the geometric objects representing the visibility.

satellite - Satellite : The satellite that will be in the visibility cone.

groundStation - CzmlGroundStation : The ground station where the visibility cone will be attached to.

angle of aperture - Double : The angle of aperture of the station, default : 80.0°

Other parameters

position - Position : The position in a given frame of the visibility cone (usually on the ground station)


These arguments can be used to build a visibility cone object :

  • An id, a name, a cylinder, an availability : (this visibility cone will have a fix height of a terrestrial radius)
new VisibilityCone visibilityCone = new VisibilityCone(id, name, cylinder, avalability);
  • An id, a name, a cylinder, an availability, a satellite : (This constructor allows the visibility cone to reach only the given satellite, so the height is fixed to the altitude of the satellite)
new VisibilityCone visibilityCone = new VisibilityCone(id, name, cylinder, avalability, satellite);
new VisibilityCone visibilityCone = new VisibilityCone(groundStation);
new VisibilityCone visibilityCone = new VisibilityCone(groundStation, satellite);
new VisibilityCone visibilityCone = new VisibilityCone(groundStation, satellite, angleOfAperture);
new VisibilityCone visibilityCone = new VisibilityCone(topocentricFrame, satellite);
new VisibilityCone visibilityCone = new VisibilityCone(topocentricFrame, satellite, angleOfAperture);


noDisplay() - void : Allows the user to not display the visibility cone