Cylinder - Zudokakikuto/OreCZML GitHub Wiki

This page describes the content of a CZMLSecondaryObject document. Please read CZMLSecondaryObject for the intern architecture of CZMLPrimaryObjects.


The cylinder object is used here in order to create a geometric cone to display the Visibility Cone, but has a builder that allows other usages if needed.

Implements : CZMLSecondaryObject

Example :



availability - TimeInterval : Time interval when the cylinder is displayed.

lenght - double : The lenght base-to-base of the cylinder. default : (Let a the semi major axis of the satellite) \frac{a}{2} .

topRadius - double : The radius of the top base of the cylinder. default : lenght * \tan{angleOfAperture} .

bottomRadius - double : The radius of the bottom base of the cylinder. default : 10.0

cesiumHeightReference - CesiumHeightReference : The height reference of an object, which indicates if the object's position is relative to terrain or not. It can take several values :

  • NONE : The position is absolute.
  • RELATIVE_TO_GROUND : The position is clamped to the terrain
  • default : CLAMP_TO_GROUND : The position height is the height above the terrain.

color - Color : The RGBA color of the cylinder. default : red = 255, green = 255, blue = 255, alpha = 50.

show - boolean : Whether or not the cylinder is shown. default : true.

position - Position : The position of the cylinder in a given frame.

Intrinsinc arguments

These arguments can be used to build a cylinder object :

angle of aperture - Double : The angle of aperture of the station.

topocentricFrame - TopocentricFrame : An Orekit Topocentric Frame object


The cylinder object can be build with :

  • A lenght, a radius of the top base, a radius of the bottom base, a color, a position, a cesiumHeightReference :
Cylinder cylinder = new Cylinder(lenght, topRadius, bottomRadius, color, position, cesiumHeightReference);
Cylinder cylinder = new Cylinder(groundStation, satellite, angleOfAperture);
Cylinder cylinder = new Cylinder(groundStation,angleOfAperture);
Cylinder cylinder = new Cylinder(topocentricFrame, header, angleOfAperture);
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