Position - Zudokakikuto/OreCZML GitHub Wiki

The position object defines the position of CZML objects that require a location in space. Four different type of position are defined in PositionType and are used here to defined the position object.

Example :



positionType - PositionType : The type of position used to defined the location.

referenceFrame - String : Defines which frame to use, can take two different values :

  • "FIXED" : For a non-rotating referential frame.
  • "INERTIAL" : For a rotating inertial reference frame.
  • _default* : "INERTIAL" .

For cartographic (both radians and degrees) :

height - double : the height of the object relative to the central body.

For cartographic radians :

longitude - double : the longitude in radians of the object relative to the central body.

latitude - double : the latitude in radians of the object relative to the central body.

For cartographic degrees :

longitudeDeg - double : the longitude in degrees of the object relative to the central body.

latitudeDeg - double : the latitude in degrees of the object relative to the central body.

For cartesian position :

x - double : the x component of the position in the reference frame (inertial to the central body).

y - double : the y component of the position in the reference frame.

z - double : the z component of the position in the reference frame.

For cartesian velocity :

vx - double : the x component of the velocity in the reference frame (inertial to the central body).

vy - double : the y component of the velocity in the reference frame.

vz - double : the z component of the velocity in the reference frame.


The position object can be build with :

  • Three doubles named param1, param2 and param3, each parameter is relative to the previous definition of position types, a position type :
Position position = new Position(param1, param2, param3, positionType);