CZMLGroundStation - Zudokakikuto/OreCZML GitHub Wiki

This page describes the content of a CZML document. Please read the Tutorial for an explanation of how a CZML document is put together.

Implements : CZMLPrimaryObject

Extends : AbstractPrimaryObject

Example :

    "id":"Toulouse Frame",
    "name":"Toulouse Frame",
      "font":"11pt Lucida Console",
      "text":"Toulouse Frame",


id - String : Identification of the CZML ground station

name String : Name of the CZML ground station

availability - TimeInterval : Time interval where the CZML ground station is displayed.

description - String : An optional description of the satellite, default : "Nameless ground station".

The label is written in 11pt Lucida Console, and displays only the name of the ground station.

Intrinsinc arguments

These arguments can be used to build a CZML ground station object :

topocentricFrame - TopocentricFrame : An Topocentric Frame object that represents the geodetic point on earth of the station and the associated frame.

topocentricFrames - List of TopocentricFrame : The list all of the topocentric frame when several ground stations are inputted.

modelPath - String : The path to the model used for the ground station.

modelPathsInput - List of String : The paths used to load several models when several stations are computed.

Other parameters

multipleName - List of String : A list of all the names when several ground stations are inputted.

multipleId - List of String : A list of all the id when several ground stations are inputted.

multipleAvailability - List of TimeInterval : A list of all the availalability when several ground stations are inputted.

positionOnEarth - Vector3d : The cartesian position of the point on the surface of the earth.

multiplePositionOnEarth - List of Vector3D : All the cartesian positio of the points on the surface of the earth when several ground stations are inputted.

billboard - Billboard : The billboard is used when no 3D models are used and a 2D image is necessary to display the station.

multipleBillboards - List of Billboard : The list of billboard that is used to display 2D images when no 3D models are used with several stations.

model - CzmlModel - The model loaded for the station (can be a 2D or 3D model).

multipleModel - List of CzmlModel - The list of models when several stations are computed with different models.

positionObject - Position : The position of the object to be written in the czml file.

multiplePositionObject - List of Position : All the position of the objects to be written when several ground stations are inputted.

modelPaths - List of String : The list of all the paths used for the models.


The ground station object can be build with only a topocentric frame or a list of topocentric frames. In order to build the ground station you should use the ground station builder. Be cause there are 2 ways of building a ground station (one station or several station), there are 2 builders :

// Single station builder
final CzmlGroundStation singleStation = CzmlGroundStation.builder(topocentricFrame).build();
// Multiple stations builder
final CzmlGroundStation multipleStations = CzmlGroundStation.builder(listOfTopocentricFrames).build();

This way you can add a model to a single ground station like this : (model to several stations can be add too)

// Single station builder
final CzmlGroundStation singleStation = CzmlGroundStation.builder(topocentricFrame).withModel(modelPath).build();