CzmlModel - Zudokakikuto/OreCZML GitHub Wiki

The Czml model aims at displaying 2D or 3D models for objects.

Example :



absolutePathToObject - String : The absolute path to the 2D or 3D object to display. The accepted formats are :

  • For 3D models :
    • 3ds
    • 3mf
    • dae
    • fbx
    • glb
    • max
    • obj
    • skp
    • stl
    • stp
    • vrml
    • x3d
  • For 2D models :
    • avif
    • bmp
    • cgm
    • gif
    • heif
    • jpeg
    • png
    • svg
    • tiff
    • webp

Other parameters

uri - URI : The uri object that allows to load the model into the czml file.

scale - double : The scale of the model

minimumPixelSize - double : The minimum of pixels displays on screen.

maximumScale - double : The maximum scale that the model can reach.

availability - TimeInterval : The availability of the model, it represents when it will be displayed.

relativePath - String : The model is copied into the localRepository, and has a relativePaht inside the OreCzml repository.

nameOfObject - String : The name of the loaded model file.

modelType - ModelType : The type of the model loaded : 2D or 3D.

billboard - Billboard : If the model loaded is a 2D one, a billboard is created.

extension - String : The extension of the loaded file.

duplicatedLocalFile - File : The File object that is a duplicate of the original file, located in the local repository.


The CzmlModel object can be build with :

  • An absolutePathToObject :
CzmlModel model = new CzmlModel(absolutePathToObject);
  • An absolutePathToObject, a maximumScale, a minimumPixelSize, a scale :
CzmlModel model = new CzmlModel(absolutePathToObject, maximumScale, minimumPixelSize, scale);