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Welcome to the TheXTech wiki!

Do you still not know what is TheXTech? It's the full port of the Super Mario Bros. X fan game's engine ported from Visual Basic 6 into C++ with SDL2 after its sources got been released on February 2, 2020. This is the sort of a clone of SMBX, but it's cross-platform and it's a full replica of an original code that includes most of its old bugs and logic.

If you want to get on how to use it, look at this manual: Use the game

If you were interested to compile from sources and use the game, look at this manual here: Building the game

If you looking for the latest development builds, you can find all links here: Fresh devel builds.

See our Project Goals for an explanation of the development goals for the project and future development directions.



  • Use the game - The explanation of the basic use of the game and its abilities and features.
  • Create levels and episodes - The manual on how to set up the Moondust development kit (Old name: PGE Project) to create levels and episodes targetted to TheXTech engine exclusively.
  • Create asset packs - Guide for creating game asset packs for TheXTech.

Advanced use

  • Command-line arguments - Run the game with various options usually unavailable from the in-game menu.
  • thextech.ini - more game settings is here - The explanation for the game settings file that appears at the settings/ subdirectory. It allows you to set up the game deeper.
  • compat.ini - tune the compatibility - The explanation for the level and episode-specific configuration file that allows re-enabling certain vanilla bugs if they are required for the walkthrough.
  • Getting old packed games to work on TheXTech - The full manual on how to replace the vanilla SMBX executable with the TheXTech at the packed games (episodes with a full copy of the SMBX include modded assets and the game executable), The big example of a packed game is the Sarasaland Adventure 2 which does ship the full game with the replaced set of default-resources.
  • gameinfo.ini - Customizing the game overlook - Change character names, tune the behavior of intro and outro scenes, extend credits, rename the game, make Android launcher look nicer when your assets pack got selected, etc.


  • Build the game from source - An explanation on how to compile the game from the source code.
  • About repository - Explanation of repository' organizing, mainstream branches, and their roles and about the general development workflow.
  • Project goals - Explanation of the development goals for the project and future development directions.
  • Considerations for Contributors - Information that may be useful if you would like to contribute code to TheXTech.
  • Porting - Information that will be useful if you would like to port TheXTech to another platform.
  • CMake parameters explained - Tune the build as you needed.
  • IPC-protocol - How to integrate your custom level Editor with TheXTech to run level tests and communicate with the running game.

Downloads and links