Project Goals - TheXTech/TheXTech GitHub Wiki

What TheXTech is and what it is not

This page seeks to clarify the aims and guidelines for TheXTech's development. This is done to prevent scope bloat, give the developer team orientation on which tasks to focus on, give prospective new developers an understanding of the project's culture, and give Community Members an idea on which feature requests are a good fit for this project.

The central project mission:

  • Preserve the precise logic of the SMBX64 standard.
  • Create a learning environment for the development of the Moondust Engine.
  • Maintain hardware-architecture independence to ensure accessibility.

Additional goals, sorted by priority:

  1. Enhance the experience with quality-of-life features like Console Ports, Multires, Performance Boosts, & Netplay.
  2. Create a Scripting Environment that allows for (but isn't restricted to) the preservation of Autocode + X2 Content.
  3. Add minimal 38A compatibility by hardcoding its NPCs & BGOs. Adapt additional 38A features where convenient.
  4. Make it easy and convenient to create new Asset Packs for TheXTech.


In summary, our main focus is on preservation and accessibility of the existing content standards, while the addition of new gameplay features is more of an optional sidequest. Our team is not trying to introduce further fragmentation into the community. We welcome new content for TheXTech, but Content Creators will have to understand the limitations entailed by the above.

See also:

If a feature request for any goal creates a conflict with a higher-ranking priority, it will be rejected.

If an issue is more appropriate for the Moondust project, it will be moved to the Moondust repository.