About repository - TheXTech/TheXTech GitHub Wiki

The repository of TheXTech has the specific structure:


  • main - The mainstream branch is used to keep the most stable and latest state. All stable releases go from this branch directly.
  • stable-* - Maintenance branches to release minor updates over the current release if needed.
  • old-stable-* - Archive branches that preserved previous releases are no longer receive updates.
  • devel - The prove ground branch intended to implement various brand new features and polish them up into they will be backported into the main branch.
  • versus-ci - The special branch intended to debug CI build scripts and avoid the main branch being flooded with "versus CI fight" commits.
  • wip-* - Feature branches created to develop and stabilize the brand-new feature or major update until to merge it up with the main branch on final. Don't try to use these branches for production: they may change very often and radically. Do use these branches if you really want to preview the thing and even help to the development team with the testing of the thing.


  • src - Contains the main source code of the game.
  • lib - Contains extra code pieces and mini-libraries.
  • 3rdparty - Contains the source for external dependency libraries (Depend on build options, they will be built in a place for convenience rather than reusing system-wide libraries).
  • cmake - Contains a set of CMake scripts for various cases.
  • utils - Optional utilities for various cases.
  • android-project - The buildable project tree for Android. All sources at the root of the repository will be used in the build process.
  • resources - Set of resource files going to be embedded into a final executable file.
  • docs - Set of documentation templates and other misc. files which may be included with releases for certain platforms.