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CX is Skycoin's original programming language. CX is a general purpose programming language that focuses on the design of distributed, blockchain-based applications. CX provides developers with high-level meta-programming features, such as affordances, runtime stepping and a REPL capable of modifying running programs at a low granularity level. CX is deterministic, integrates with blockchains, works with immutable data structures, incorporates our new paradigm of affordances, is compiled and interpreted, uses garbage collection, has a strict typing system, and other valuable tools built in. CX has multiple powerful libraries including CXO for immutable objects sharing, CXFX for its graphics engine, and more being developed. CX is written with Go's syntax to ensure professionals can quickly switch over and newcomers can easily learn it. CX will eventually be written entirely in CX.

Here you find a collection of all the knowledge you need to start with CX.
If you have further questions, you are always welcomed on Telegram and Reddit.

Roadmap for the Development of CX

Table of Contents

Package Purpose more Info
time time measuring & code pausing
os operating system
gl graphics opengl.org
glfw windows handling glfw.org
gltext font rendering github.com/go-gl/gltext

Library Purpose Website Telegram Github More
CXFX 3D Graphics/Gaming Engine Telegram Github Twitter
CXSL General Utilities Telegram Github
SkyML Math & Machine Learning Telegram
CXChains Blockchain Apps
PumpCX User Interface Github

Products Purpose Website Telegram Github More
CXO Immutable Objects System
dmsg Distributed messaging system

Name OS Description
Visual Studio Code Windows / macOS / Linux
Vim Windows / macOS / Linux
Emacs Windows / macOS / Linux
Sublime Text Windows / macOS / Linux
GoLand Windows / macOS / Linux
ATOM Windows / macOS / Linux

General Programming





Name Description ...
Unknown Twitter Clone source: Youtube
Unknown 4chan Clone source: Youtube
Unknown Telegram clone source: Youtube
Unknown Trello clone source: Youtube


Name Description ...
CrappyBall Flappy-Bird Clone
Pac Man CX Pacman 2D Clone
Pacman 3D Pacman 3D Clone
Snake by Lunier Snake Clone
SynthCat Brick Breaker
Whacky Stack Tetris Clone
Ridge Blaster Dig-N-Rig Clone
Space Invaders Space Invaders Clone using CX-Chains
CX Asteroids Asteroids Clone Documentation in wiki
Skylight Goldeneye Clone uses CXFX


Here are all available groups for the cx programming language

