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The previous section presents the language features from a syntax perspective. In this section we'll cover what's the logic behind these features: how they interact with other elements in your program, and what are the intrinsic capabilities of each of these features.

Table of Contents


Packages are CX's mechanism for better organizing your code. Although it is theoretically possible to store a big project in a single package, the code will most likely become very hard to understand. In CX the programmer is encouraged to place the files that define the code of a package in separate directory. Any subdirectory in a package's directory should also contain only source code files that define elements of the same package. Nevertheless, CX will not throw any error if you don't follow this way of laying out your source files. In fact, you can declare different packages in a single source code file.

Data Structures

Data structures are particular arrangements of bytes that the language interprets and stores in special ways. The most basic data structures represent basic data, such as numbers and character strings, but these basic types can be used to construct more complex data types.


A literal is any data structure that is not being referenced by any variable yet. For example: 1, true, []i32{1, 2, 3}, Point{x: 10, y: 20}.

It's important to make a distinction, particularly with arrays, slices and struct instances.

package main

type Point struct {
	x i32
	y i32

func main () {
	var p1 Point
	p1.x = 10
	p1.y = 20

	p2 := Point{x: 11, y: 21}


In the example above we are creating two instances of the Point type. The first method we use does not involve struct literals, as a variable of that type is first created and then initialized.

In the second case (p2), the full struct instance is first created. CX creates an anonymous struct instance as soon as it encounters Points{x: 11, y: 21}, and then it proceeds to assign that literal to the p2 variable, using short variable declarations.

package main

func main () {
	var arr1 [3]i32
	arr1[0] = 1
	arr1[1] = 2
	arr1[2] = 3

	arr2 := [3]i32{10, 20, 30}
package main

func main () {
	var slc1 []i32
	slc1 = append(slc1, 1)
	slc1 = append(slc1, 2)
	slc1 = append(slc1, 3)
	slc2 := []i32{10, 20, 30}

Similarly, in the two examples above we can see how we can declare array and slice variables and then we initialize them. In the case of arrays, we use the bracket notation, and for slices we have to use append, as slc1 starts with a size and capacity of 0. In the cases of arr2 and slc2, we use literals to initialize them more conveniently.

Regarding numbers, you need to be aware that implicit casting does not exist in CX. This means that the number 34 cannot be assigned to a variable of type i64. In order to assign it, you need to either parse it using the native function i32.i64 or you can create a 64-bit integer literal. To create a number literal of a type other than i32, you can use different suffixes: B, L and D, for byte, i64 (long) and f64, respectively. So, assuming foo is of type i64, you can do this assignment: foo = 34L.


When CX compiles a program, it knows how many bytes need to be reserved in the stack for each of the functions. CX can know this thanks to variable declarations.

package main

type Point struct {
    x i32
    y i32

func foo (inp Point) {
    var test1 i64
    var test2 bool

func main () {
    var test3 i32
    var test4 f32

The two functions declared in the example above are going to reserve 17 and 8 bytes in the stack, respectively. In the case of the first function, foo needs to reserve space for an input parameter of type Point, which requires 8 bytes (because of the two i32 fields), and two local variables: one 64-bit integer that requires 8 bytes and a Boolean that requires a single byte. In the case of main, CX needs to reserve bytes for two local variables: a 32-bit integer and a single-precision floating point number, where each of them require 4 bytes.

package main

var global1 i32

func main () {
    var local i32

Local variables are different than global variables. In order for globals to have a global scope they need to be allocated in a different memory segment than local variables. This different memory segment does not shrink or get bigger like the stack. This means that any global variable is going to be kept "alive" as long as the program keeps being executed.

A global scope means that variables of this type are accessible to any function declared in the same package where the variable is declared, and to any function of other packages that are importing this package.

package main

func main () {
    var foo i32
    i32.print(foo) // prints 0

In CX every variable is going to initially point to a nil value. This nil value is basically a series of one or more zeroes, depending on the size of the data type of a given variable. For example, in the code above we see that we have declared a variable of type i32 and we immediately print its value without initializing it. This CX program will print 0, as the value of foo is [0 0 0 0] in the stack (4 zeroes, as a 32-bit integer is represented by 4 bytes).

In the case of data types that point to variable-sized structures, such as slices or character strings, these are initialized to a nil pointer, which is represented by 4 zeroed bytes. This nil pointer is located in the heap memory segment, instead of the stack.

Primitive types

There are seven primitive types in CX: bool, str, byte, i32, i64, f32, and f64. These types can be used to construct other more complex types, as will be seen in the next sections.

bool and byte both require a single byte to represent their values. In the case of bool, there are only two possible values: true or false. In the case of byte you can represent up to 256 values, which range from 0 to 255. Next in size, we have i32 and f32 , where both of them require 4 bytes, and then we have i64 and f64, which require 8 bytes each.

Now, strings are special as they are static and dynamic sized at the same time. If you have a look at how a variable of type str reserves memory in the stack, you'll see that it requires 4 bytes, regardless of what text it's pointing to. The explanation behind this is that any str in CX actually behaves like a pointer behind the scenes, and the actual string gets stored in the heap memory segment.

package main

func main () {
	var foo str

	foo = str.concat("Hello, ", "World!")
	foo = "Hi"

When CX compiles the example above, three strings are first stored in the data memory segment (just like global variables, as these strings are constants, memory-wise): "Hello, ", "World" and "Hi". When the program is executed, str.concat is called, which creates a new string by concatenating "Hello, " and "World!", and this new character string is allocated in the heap memory segment. Then foo is assigned only the address of this new character string. Then we immediately re-assign foo with the address of "Hi". This means that foo was first assigned a memory address located in the data memory segment, and then it was assigned an address located in the heap.


Arrays, as in other programming languages, are used to create collections of data structures. These data structures can be primitive types, custom types or even arrays or slices.

package main

type Point struct {
    x i32
    y i32

func main () {
    var [5]i32
    var [5]Point

In the example above, we're creating two arrays, one of a primitive type and the other one of a custom type. CX reserves memory for these arrays in the stack as soon as the function that contains them is called. In this case, 60 bytes are going to be reserved for main as soon as the program starts its execution, as main acts as the program's entry point. You need to be careful with arrays, as those can easily fill up your memory, especially with multi-dimensional arrays (or matrices).

Also, another point to consider is performance. While accessing arrays is almost as fast as accessing an atomic variable, arrays can be troublesome when being sent/received as to/from functions. The reason behind this is that an array needs to be copied whenever it is sent to another function. If you're working with arrays of millions of elements and you need to be sending that arrays millions of times to another function, it's going to impact your program's performance a lot. A way to avoid this is to either use pointers to arrays or slices.


Dynamic arrays don't exist in CX. This means that the following code is not a valid CX program:

package main

func main () {
    var size i32
    size = 13
    var arr [size] // this is not valid

If you need an array that can grow in size as required, you need to use slices. Behind the scenes, slices are just arrays with some extra features. First of all, any slice in CX goes directly to the heap, as it's a data structure that is going to be changing in size. In contrast, arrays are always going to be stored in the stack, unless we're handling pointers to arrays. However, this behavior may change in the future, when CX's escape analysis mechanism improves (for example, the compiler can determine if an array is never going to change its size, and decide to keep it in the stack).

The second characteristic of slices in CX is how they change their size. Any slice, when it's first declared, starts with a size and capacity of 0. The size represents how many elements are in a given slice, while the capacity represents how many elements can be allocated in that slice without having to be relocated in the heap.

package main

func main () {
	var slc []i32

	slc = append(slc, 1)
	slc = append(slc, 2)
	slc = append(slc, 3)
	slc = append(slc, 4)

In the code above we can see how we declare a slice and then we initialize it using the appendfunction. After all the appends, we'll end up with a slice of size 4 and capacity 4, and this appending process will create the following objects in the heap:

[0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0]

First, the slice slc starts with 0 objects in it; it is pointing to nil. Then, after the first append, the object [0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0] is allocated to the heap. The first five bytes are used by CX's garbage collector. The next 4 bytes indicate the size of the object, and the remaining bytes are the actual slice slc. The first four bytes of slc tell us its current size, while the next four tell us its capacity. The remaining bytes of this object are the elements of the slice.

The following object, [0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0], shows now a size of 2 and a capacity of 2, with the 32-bit integers 1 and 2 as its elements. The last object, 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0, needs careful attention. We can see that our objects jumped from size 1 to 2 and finally 4. The same happened to its capacity, and the containing elements are now 1, 2, 3 and 4. What happened to the slice of size 3 and capacity 3? First of all, capacities are increased by getting doubled each time the size of an object is greater than its capacity, so we would never get a slice of capacity 4 by following this method. Next, we need to think on what is capacity used for.

Slices are just arrays, which means that they can't be resized. The dynamic nature of slices is emulated by copying the full slice to somewhere else in memory, but with a greater capacity. However, this will only happen if adding a new element to the existing slice would overflow it. This is why slices keep track of two metrics: size and capacity, i.e. how many actual elements are in the slice, and how many elements the currently allocated slice can hold, respectively.

package main

func main () {
    var arr1 [1]i32
    arr1[0] = 1 // add the first value
    var arr2 [2]i32 // double the size
    arr2[0] = arr1[0] // copy previous array
    arr2[1] = 2 // add the second value

    var arr3 [4]i32 // double the size
    arr3[0] = arr2[0] // copy previous array
    arr3[1] = arr2[1] // copy previous array
    arr3[2] = 3 // add the third value
    arr3[3] = 4 // add the fourth value

The example above shows the behavior of the slice in the previous example, but using arrays.


Structures are CX's mechanism for creating custom types, as in many other C-like languages. Structures are basically a grouping of other primitive or custom types (called fields) that together create another type of data structure. For example, a point can be defined by its coordinates in a two-dimensional space. In order to create a type Point, you can use a structure that contains two fields of type i32, one for x and another for y, as in the example below.

package main

type Point struct {
	x i32
	y i32

func main () {
	var p Point
	p.x = 10
	p.y = 20

Whenever an instance of a structure is created by either declaring a variable of that type or by creating a literal of that type, CX reserves memory to hold space for all the fields defined in the structure declaration. Like in C, the bytes are reserved depending on the order of the fields in the structure declaration.

package main

type struct1 struct {
	field1 bool
	field2 i32
	field3 i64

type struct2 struct {
	field1 i64
	field2 bool
	field3 i32

func main () {
	var s1 struct1
	var s2 struct2

For example, in the code above a call to main will reserve a total of 26 bytes in the stack. In the case of the first struct instance, the first byte is going to represent field1 of type bool, the next four bytes are going to represent field2 of type i32, and the final 8 bytes are going to represent field3 of type i64. In the case of the next struct instance, the first eight bytes represent an i64 field so, although both struct instances contain the same number of fields and of the same type, the byte layout changes.


Sometimes it's useful to pass variables to functions by reference instead of by value.

package main
import "time"

func foo (nums [100][100]i32) {
	// do something with nums

func main () {
	var start i64
	var end i64
	var nums [100][100]i32

	start = time.UnixMilli()
	for c := 0; c < 10000; c++ {

	end = time.UnixMilli()

	printf("elapsed time: \t%d milliseconds\n", end - start)

The example above is very inefficient, as CX is going to be sending a 10,000 element matrix to foo 10,000 times. Every time foo is called, every byte of that matrix needs to be copied for foo. In my computer the example above takes around 638 milliseconds to run.

package main
import "time"

func foo (nums *[100][100]i32) {
	// do something with nums

func main () {
	var start i64
	var end i64
	var nums [100][100]i32

	start = time.UnixMilli()
	for c := 0; c < 10000; c++ {

	end = time.UnixMilli()

	printf("elapsed time: \t%d milliseconds\n", end - start)

A new version of the last program is shown above. In contrast to the last program, the code above sends a pointer to the matrix to foo. A pointer in CX uses only 4 bytes (in the future, pointers will use 8 bytes in 64-bit systems and 4 bytes in 32-bit systems), so instead of copying 10,000 bytes, we only copy 4 bytes to foo every time we call it. This version of the program takes only 3 milliseconds to run in my computer.

package main

func foo (inp i32) {
	inp = 10

func main () {
	var num i32
	num = 15
	i32.print(num) // prints 15
	i32.print(num) // prints 15

In the example above, we sendnum to foo, and then we re-assign the input's value to 10. If we print the value of num before and after calling foo, we can see that in both instances 15 will be printed to the console.

package main

func foo (num *i32) {
	*num = 10

func main () {
	var num i32
	num = 15
	i32.print(num) // prints 15
	i32.print(num) // prints 10

The code above is a pointer-version of the previous example. In this case, instead of sending num by value, we send it by reference, using the & operator. foo also changed, and it now accepts a pointer to a 32-bit integer, i.e. *i32. After running the example, you'll notice that, this time, foo is now changing num's value.

Escape Analysis

Consider the following example:

package main

func foo () (pNum *i32) {
	var num i32
	num = 5 // this is in the stack

	pNum = &num

func stackDestroyer () {
	var arr [5]i32

func main () {
	var pNum *i32
	pNum = foo()


If we store foo's num's value (5) in the stack, and then we call stackDestroyer, isn't arr going to overwrite the bytes storing the 5? This doesn't happen, because that 5 is now in the heap. But this doesn't mean that any value being pointed to is going to be moved to the heap. For example, let's re-examine one of the examples presented in the Pointers section:

package main

func foo (num *i32) {
	*num = 10

func main () {
	var num i32
	num = 15
	i32.print(num) // prints 15
	i32.print(num) // prints 10

If any value being pointed to by a pointer was sent to the heap, we wouldn't be able to change nums value, which is stored in the stack; we would be changing the heap's copied value.

package main

func foo () (pNum *i32) {
	var num i32
	var pNum *i32

	num = 5

	pNum = &num

func main () {
	var pNum *i32
	pNum = foo()

	i32.print(*pNum) // prints 5, which is stored in the heap

Basically, in order to fix this problem, whenever a pointer needs to be returned from a function, the value it is pointing to "escapes" to the heap. In the example above, we can see that num's value is going to be preserved by escaping to the heap, as we are returning a pointer to it from foo.

package main

func foo () (pNum *i32) {
	var num i32
	var pNum *i32

	num = 5 // this is in the stack

	pNum = &num // the pointer will be returned, so the value is sent to the heap

func stackDestroyer () {
	var arr [5]i32

func main () {
	var pNum *i32
	pNum = foo()
	stackDestroyer() // if 5 does not escape, it would be destroyed by this function

	i32.print(*pNum) // prints 5, which is stored in the heap

We can check this behavior even further in the example above. After calling foo, we call stackDestroyer, which overwrites the following 20 bytes after main's stack frame. Yet, when we call i32.print(*pNum), we'll see that we still have access to a 5. This 5 is not the one created in foo, though, but a copy of it that was allocated in the heap.

Control Flow

Once we have the appropriate data structures for our program, we'll now need to process them. In order to do so, we need to have access to some control flow structures.


Functions are used to encapsulate routines that we plan to be frequently calling. In addition to encapsulating a series of expressions and statements, we can also receive input parameters and return output parameters, just like mathematical functions.

package main

func main () {
	var players []str
	players = []str{"Richard", "Mario", "Edward"}

	str.print(str.concat("Name: \t", players[0]))

	str.print(str.concat("Name: \t", players[1]))

	str.print(str.concat("Name: \t", players[2]))

For example, if we see the code above we'll notice that it seems repetitive. We can fix this by creating a function, as seen in the example below.

package main

func drawBox (player str) {
	str.print(str.concat("Name: \t", player))

func main () {
	var players []str
	players = []str{"Richard", "Mario", "Edward"}



Methods are useful when we want to associate a particular function to a particular custom type (associating functions to primitive types is not allowed). This allows us to create more readable code.

package main

type Player struct {
	Name str
	HP i32
	Mana i32
	Lives i32

type Monster struct {
	Name str
	HP i32
	Mana i32

func (player Player) draw () {
	str.print(sprintf("\n\tName: \t%s\n\tHP: \t%d\n\tMana: \t%d\n\tLives: \t%d\n\n%s",

func (monster Monster) draw () {
	str.print(sprintf("\n\tName: \t%s\n\tHP: \t%d\n\tMana: \t%d\n\n%s",

func main () {
	var player Player
	player.Name = "Mario"
	player.HP = 10
	player.Mana = 10
	player.Lives = 3

	var monster Monster
	monster.Name = "Domo-kun"
	monster.HP = 7
	monster.Mana = 4


The example above shows us how we can create two versions of the function draw, and the behavior of each depends on the custom type that we're using to call it.

If and if/else

if and if/else statements are used to execute a block of instructions only if certain condition is true or false. Behind the scenes, if and if/else statements are parsed to a series of jmp instructions internally. For example, in the case of an if statement, we will jump 0 instructions if certain predicate is true, and it will jump n instructions if the predicate is false, where n is the number of instructions in the if block of instructions.

package main

func main () {
	if true {
0.- Package: main
		0.- Function: main () ()
			0.- Expression: jmp(true bool)
			1.- Expression: str.print("" str)
			2.- Expression: jmp(true bool)
			3.- Expression: str.print("" str)
		1.- Function: *init () ()

In the two code snippets above we can see how an if statement is translated by the parser to a set of two jmp instructions. These jmp instructions have some meta data in them that is not shown in the second snippet: how many lines to jump if its predicate is true and how many lines to jump if the predicate is false. jmp is not meant to be used by CX programmers (it's only part of the CX base language), so you don't need to worry about it.

package main

type Player struct {
	Name str
	HP i32
	Mana i32
	Lives i32

type Monster struct {
	Name str
	HP i32
	Mana i32

func main () {
	var player Player
	player.Name = "Mario"
	player.HP = 10
	player.Mana = 10
	player.Lives = 3
	var monster Monster
	monster.Name = "Domo-kun"
	monster.HP = 7
	monster.Mana = 4

	if player.HP < 5 {
	} else {
		str.print("===YOU CAN DO IT!===")

	if monster.HP < 10 {
		str.print(sprintf("===%s is bleeding!===", monster.Name))

	if monster.HP < 5 {
		str.print(sprintf("===%s is dying!===", monster.Name))

	if monster.HP == 0 {
		str.print(sprintf("===%s is dead!===", monster.Name))

Continuing with the example from the previous section (to some extent), let's use if and if/else statements to determine what messages are going to be displayed to the user. These messages represent the state of the player or the monster, depending on their hit points (HP).

For loop

The for loop is the only looping mechanism in CX. Just like if and if/else statements are constructed using jmp statements, for loop statements are also constructed the same way.

package main

func main () {
	for c := 0; c < 10; c++ {
0.- Package: main
		0.- Function: main () ()
			0.- Declaration: c i32
			1.- Expression: c i32 = identity(0 i32)
			2.- Expression: *lcl_0 bool = lt(c i32, 10 i32)
			3.- Expression: jmp(*lcl_0 bool)
			4.- Expression: i32.print(c i32)
			5.- Declaration: c i32
			6.- Expression: c i32 = i32.add(c i32, 1 i32)
			7.- Expression: jmp(true bool)
		1.- Function: *init () ()

The code snippets above illustrate how a for loop that counts from 0 to 9 is translated to a set of of jmp instructions.

package main

type Player struct {
	Name str
	HP i32
	Mana i32
	Lives i32

type Monster struct {
	Name str
	HP i32
	Mana i32

func (player Player) draw () {
	str.print(sprintf("\n\tName: \t%s\n\tHP: \t%d\n\tMana: \t%d\n\tLives: \t%d\n\n%s",

func (monster Monster) draw () {
	str.print(sprintf("\n\tName: \t%s\n\tHP: \t%d\n\tMana: \t%d\n\n%s",

func (player Player) attack (cmd str, monster *Monster) {
	if bool.or(cmd == "M", cmd == "m") {
		var dmg i32
		dmg = i32.rand(1, 4)
		(*monster).HP = (*monster).HP - dmg
		printf("'%s' suffered a magic attack. Lost %d HP. New HP is %d\n", (*monster).Name, dmg, (*monster).HP)
	} else {
		var dmg i32
		dmg = i32.rand(1, 2)
		(*monster).HP = (*monster).HP - dmg
		printf("'%s' suffered a physical attack. Lost %d HP. New HP is %d\n", (*monster).Name, dmg, (*monster).HP)

func (monster Monster) attack (cmd str, player *Player) {
	var dmg i32
	dmg = i32.rand(1, 5)
	(*player).HP = (*player).HP - dmg

	printf("'%s' suffered a physical attack. Lost %d HP. New HP is %d\n", (*player).Name, dmg, (*player).HP)

func battleStatus (player Player, monster Monster) {
	if player.HP < 5 {
	} else {
		str.print("===YOU CAN DO IT!===")

	if player.HP == 0 {
		str.print("===YOU DIED===")

	if monster.HP < 10 && monster.HP >= 5 {
		str.print(sprintf("===%s is bleeding!===", monster.Name))

	if monster.HP < 5 && monster.HP > 0 {
		str.print(sprintf("===%s is dying!===", monster.Name))

	if monster.HP <= 0 {
		str.print(sprintf("===%s is dead!===", monster.Name))

func main () {
	var player Player
	player.Name = "Mario"
	player.HP = 10
	player.Mana = 10
	player.Lives = 3

	var monster Monster
	monster.Name = "Domo-kun"
	monster.HP = 7
	monster.Mana = 4

	for true {
		if player.HP < 1 || monster.HP < 1 {
		printf("Command? (M)agic; (P)hysical; (E)xit\t")
		var cmd str
		cmd = read()

		if cmd == "E" || cmd == "e" {


		player.attack(cmd, &monster)
		monster.attack(cmd, &player)
		battleStatus(player, monster)

Lastly, we can see how we use a for loop to create something similar to a REPL for the program that we have been building in the last few sections.


The last control flow mechanism is go-to, which is achieved through the goto statement.

package main

func main () (out i32) {
	printf("What animal do you like the most: (C)at; (D)og; (P)igeon\n")

	var cmd str
	cmd = read()
	if cmd == "C" || cmd == "c" {
		goto cat

	if cmd == "D" || cmd == "d" {
		goto dog

	if cmd == "P" || cmd == "p" {
		goto pigeon

	goto beginning
	goto beginning
	goto beginning

The program above creates an infinite loop by using gotos. The loop will keep asking the user to input commands, and will jump to certain expression depending on the command.


CX Affordances