Page Index - ShuaiYAN/ipython GitHub Wiki
142 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Editing the wiki
- General links
- A gallery of interesting IPython Notebooks
- A gallery of interesting IPython Notebooks · ipython ipython Wiki
- Code blocks and other ideas
- Cookbook: Branding the IPython notebook
- Cookbook: Connecting to a remote kernel via ssh
- Cookbook: Dated logging
- Cookbook: deploying ipython
- Cookbook: Dynamic prompt
- Cookbook: Hotkeys for faster notebook editing
- Cookbook: Ignoring some commands in history
- Cookbook: Index
- Cookbook: IPython and Emacs
- Cookbook: IPython and Python.NET
- Cookbook: Job control extension
- Cookbook: Launching IPython on OSX
- Cookbook: Macro arguments
- Cookbook: nbconvert templates
- Cookbook: Notebook utilities
- Cookbook: Running a file in the background
- Cookbook: Running screen
- Cookbook: Sending built in help to the pager
- Cookbook: Shadow history
- Cookbook: Standalone executable zip
- Cookbook: Storing aliases
- Cookbook: Styling Notebook
- Cookbook: Styling the QtConsole
- Cookbook: Updating code for use with IPython 0.11 and later
- Cookbook: Using IPython with Console2
- Cookbook: Using IPython with TextMate
- Dev: boot2docker
- Dev: Closing pull requests
- Dev: Coding style
- Dev: Compiling .LESS files
- Dev: Documenting IPython
- Dev: Extending the Messaging Protocol
- Dev: GitHub workflow
- Dev: Index
- Dev: IPython Sphinx directive
- Dev: Javascript Events
- Dev: Lab meetings on Air
- Dev: Meeting notes, February 6, 2013
- Dev: Meeting notes, January 6, 2013
- Dev: Meeting, January 2014
- Dev: Meeting, July 2013
- Dev: Meeting, September 2014
- Dev: Py3compat module
- Dev: PyData 2012 HackNight
- Dev: Releasing IPython
- Dev: Testing
- Dev: Testing kernels against message specification
- Dev: The perfect pull request
- Dev: URL mapping of IPython notebook
- Dev: Windows Sophos issues
- Dev:Codenames
- Extensions Index
- Fix the boot manager after install ubuntu with windows 8
- Frequently asked questions
- Install: Docker
- Install: Index
- Install: Mobile
- Install: Python 3
- IPEP 0: IPEP Template
- IPEP 10: kernel side filtering of display formats
- IPEP 11: Tab Completion System Refactor
- IPEP 12: Splitting KernelManager and KernelClient
- IPEP 13: Updating the Message Spec
- IPEP 14: Notebook Regression Tests
- IPEP 15: Autosaving the IPython Notebook
- IPEP 16: Notebook multi directory dashboard and URL mapping
- IPEP 17: Notebook Format 4
- IPEP 18: Text Editor for the Notebook
- IPEP 19: concurrent.futures (PEP 3148) for IPython.parallel
- IPEP 1: Cleanup and extension of the Magic system in IPython
- IPEP 20: Informal structure of cell metadata
- IPEP 21: Widget Messages
- IPEP 22: Notebook, new cell type "Comment"
- IPEP 23: Backbone.js Widgets
- IPEP 24: completion and object_info
- IPEP 25: Registry of installed kernels
- IPEP 26: Full Featured python js object bridge
- IPEP 27: Contents Service
- IPEP 28: Interleaving Widgets and Output
- IPEP 29: Project Governance
- IPEP 2: Input transformations
- IPEP 3: Multiuser support in the notebook
- IPEP 4: Python 3 Compatibility
- IPEP 5: Notebook JavaScript organization
- IPEP 6: Qt console additional pane
- IPEP 7: Subclients for the Notebook
- IPEP 8: Custom messages and message handlers
- IPEP 9: Slideshow from the notebook
- IPEPs: IPython Enhancement Proposals
- IPython 3.0 comm and widget migration document
- IPython kernels for other languages
- Projects using IPython
- Projects using IPython: PyMAD
- Research at UC Berkeley using IPython
- Roadmap: IPython
- Roadmap: NBviewer
- ShowMeDo
- Sprints: PyCon2012
- Sprints: SciPy2012
- Sprints: SciPy2014
- Sprints: SciPy2014 Py3 BoF
- Sprints: SciPy2014 sprint ideas
- Syntax for code blocks
- Trash: 0.11 Migration
- Trash: Cookbook Adding support for ipipe
- Trash: Cookbook Custom completers
- Trash: Cookbook Custom magic commands
- Trash: Cookbook Custom magic examples
- Trash: Cookbook Defining prompts via hooks
- Trash: Cookbook envpersist
- Trash: Cookbook GVim integration
- Trash: Cookbook Integrate with any loop(panda3d example)
- Trash: Cookbook Interrupting threads
- Trash: Cookbook ipy_exportdb
- Trash: Cookbook ipy_render
- Trash: Cookbook Leo IPython Bridge
- Trash: Cookbook Logging
- Trash: Cookbook Moving config to IPython 0.11
- Trash: Cookbook Saving the session on exit
- Trash: Cookbook String list processing
- Trash: Cookbook The sh profile
- Trash: Cookbook User config file
- Trash: EuroSciPy2011
- Trash: IpyKit
- Trash: IPython:About
- Trash: Main Page
- Trash: Main Page PyCon12Sprint
- Trash: Old Embedding GTK
- Trash: Old Embedding Tkinter
- Trash: Parallel Computing
- Trash: Potential projects
- Trash: Py4Science
- Trash: Scratchpad
- Trash: Scratchpad Persistence
- Trash: Using ipipe
- Widgets