Page Index - ParkinT/RubyMotion_Life GitHub Wiki
63 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- This is a compendium of useful information, tidbits, code snippets related to Ruby for iOS.
- Broad Categories
- All Pages (alphabetic)
- Adding files and directories
- Adding Frameworks
- App Version Number auto increment
- Application Naming
- Background Image for UINavigationController
- Basic Tutorial
- Call Ruby code from Obj C
- Collection Views
- Command lines
- Common Problems and Questions
- Converting Objective C code to RubyMotion
- Core Graphics
- CoreGraphics Context Save and Restore Graphic State (helper)
- Date Tomfoolery
- Define a color
- ENVironment Variables in your RubyMotion Project
- Exceptions
- External Libraries in RubyMotion
- Gems for RubyMotion
- Generic ALERT box
- Helpers
- How To
- iPhone Settings View
- Libraries and Gems
- LIFE Support Page
- Load a Sound File
- MD5 Hash
- Networking Techniques
- NSClassFromString
- Older SDKs
- OpenURL App Schemes
- Play a Sound From a particular point
- Provisioning Profile Troubles
- Push Notifications
- Reading a file from disk
- REPL permission error
- Ruby Syntax
- RubyMotion Versions and Mac OS upgrades
- Run Specs on a Device
- ShareKit
- Simple Data Save and Data Load
- Sizeof with ios objects
- sizeOf() with iOS objects
- StatusBarHidden
- Strange troubles and snags
- Submitting your RubyMotion app to The App Store
- Tapstream
- Timer
- Tools and Utilities for RubyMotion
- UILabel Automatically adjust based on text content
- UITableView details
- Understanding ||= syntax
- Updating Version number for resubmission to App Store
- Upgrading to Mountain Lion
- Using RVM for Gem Management
- Viewing Crash Reports on the device
- Where to put .m and .h files
- Workflow
- Writing Gems for RubyMotion