How To - ParkinT/RubyMotion_Life GitHub Wiki
How To...
Very Basic Tutorial - a great first time with RubyMotion
Need to know how to do something in RubyMotion?
- Writing a Gem for RubyMotion
- Create a Splash Screen
- [MD5 Hash in RubyMotion](MD5 Hash)
- Read a file from disk
- Define a custom color
- Load a Sound File
- A Handy way to Handle a Timer
- Play a Sound - from a particular point to its end
- Set a Background Image in UINavigation Controller
- iPhone Application Preferences
- Load Application with StatusBar Hidden
- Overload Objective-C Framework Class Methods
- Run your Specs on an iOS Device
- Notification a simple gem by Michael Erasmus
- Auto increment the Version number based on git commit