Model_and_data_documentation - PIK-LPJmL/LPJmL GitHub Wiki
LPJmL4 requires a number of technical steps before you can get started. An overview is provided on this page. Since the model simulates a substantial amount of processes, the aim of this wiki is to provide a decent model description. Please help to update and improve it regularly and be part of the LPJmL community -many thanks!
Technical documentation
The LPJmL technical documentation lists quite a number of HowTo find
a) the best programming software for you:
- Compilation-on-Windows
- Configuration files
- Configure Eclipse
- Configure visual studio 2010
- Configure visual studio 2015
b) How-To run the model
If you start larger model developments this is how you Create new branch or Merge SVN branches.
Model evaluation and data I/O
Model quality, i.e. Benchmarking, is maintained via these scripts
See also out list of Validation data used.
The following list describes existing Input data or how new ones can be created. Note that none of these are included in the LPJmL code release and they are not accessible outside of the PIK infrastructure. The LandInG toolbox ( can be used to generate all basic inputs required to run LPJmL except for climate inputs.
- Adding new input files
- Bias-corrected monthly CMIP3 data
- Bias-corrected monthly CMIP5 data
- Compilation of land use datasets
- Country-specific input files
- Country code
- Grid cell mapping
- HAPPI Input Data Conversion
The following LPJmL variables can be written into the Output.
Model Documentation
This is an alphabetical list of pattern and processes in LPJmL4 for its Model documentation.
- Allocation and phenology
- Carbon pools
- Crop functional types
- Grid cells
- Land-use change
- Nitrogen dynamics
- Parameter
- Permafrost
- Petpar
- Photosynthesis
- Plant functional types
- Production management
- Harvest
- Harvest index
- Intensity
- Intercrops
- Irrigation
- Land-use patterns
- Maps
- Multiple cropping
- Pastures and meadows
- Residue management
- Setaside
- [Sowing_dates](Sowing dates)
- Varieties
- Soil
- Vegetation dynamics
- Establishment
- Fire
- [Light competition](Light competition)
- Mortality
- Spitfire
- Turnover
- Water dynamics
- Weather generator