Grid_cells - PIK-LPJmL/LPJmL GitHub Wiki

Grid cells

n=59199 cells (only cells with soilcode > 0, usually output files contain information for this amount of cells)
n=67420 cells (all land cells, usually input files contain information for this amount of cells)

LPJmL including new hydrology and permafrost (which currently can be found in the ISIMIP branch):

n=67420 for both input and output files (includes new input soil data) NOW also available on the trunk


Each grid cell can consist of 0 to 33 different stands, depending on soil code (ice and rock cells are skipped) and lake fraction. Each stand is assigned to a certain fraction of the grid cell, but is not localized. All stand fractions of a grid cell need to add up to 1-lake fraction.

see also