RoadMap - OpenTrading/OpenTrader GitHub Wiki

Road Map

There are a lot of directions we can take this project, and a lot of things we can do. The Road Map is ideas that when they are accepted, proceed to getting fleshed out as UseCases.

The order should be approximately that of importance.

  • Elaborate the UseCases to see what is important.
  • Document Omlettes and make them reloadable.
  • Speed up the round-trip time with OTMql4AMQP - try Rabbit4Mt4. If the compiled DLL version of it works, we would greatly simplify distribution.
  • Speed up the Python initial load time of OTCmd2.
  • Extend the network communication to use ZeroMQ via OTMql4Zmq. If the compiled DLL version of it gets fixed, we would greatly simplify distribution.
  • Extend the Feed parsing to be able to read Mt HST files.
  • Extend the Feed parsing to be able update a CSV file with recent bars of the same chart that are currently in a live Mt4.
  • Break out the metrics from the Chefs and have interchangable Reviewers.
  • Add event driven Chefs to expand the range of Backtesting.
  • Hook up Recipes to live-trading on Metatrader from recipes and chefs.
  • Add Recipes to abstract what OTCmd2 needs from a recipe specification.
  • Add Chefs to be able to compare chefs on the same recipes.
  • Look at integrating pandas_datareaders_unofficial with caching.
  • Explore ViTables as a tool to compare the reviews of different omletttes:
  1. It should be extended to provide GUI editing of the dictionary stored in the metadata slot of pandas objects.
  1. The log window in ViTables could be replaced by a OTCmd2 read-evel-print window, which would embed OpenTrader in ViTables. Then the plotting from OTCmd2 under ViTables could get wired up to display pandas.plot() in VTPlot using PyQtGraph.
  • Reduce the amount of syntax needed for Recipes by adding syntactic sugar.
  • Rationalize our syntactic sugar with other <<haute cuisine>> establishments.

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